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A CLOAK – Ubong Johnson

Ubong Johnson
Ubong Johnson is writes when he isn't playing the piano. He is a student doctor and editor of Fiction Niche Literary Magazine. His works have appeared or are forthcoming on The Kalahari Review, the Shallow Tales Review, Eboquils, and others.

The man in brightly colored clothes, clutching a satellite phone in his hands, is Obi. It shouldn’t be he who chairs this meeting, but he chairs it anyway; speaking at length with such authority, such assertiveness only a male above fifty years in Udimili is expected to possess.

The men seated around him, all of whom are far older than he is, only sit and listen to Obi, admiration—or maybe child-like wonder—, stamped across their faces. They all seem to be afraid of this formally schooled too-young-to-be-elder (but elder anyway), who is one of the only two humans in this clan to have ever flown like a bird in the sky, on wings made of glimmering steel, that snapped out of his arms and back, propelling him into the skies the minute he made that jump above the ground. And this is why they don’t throw in their suggestions like they should or bark nays, in objection to Obi’s suggestions where it seems as though Obi has gone too far.

To them, Obi’s words are words of truth. The very words which will bring freedom to this clan in the years to come, like the crone that delivered the letter of the enemy’s surrender two generations ago at a battle parents don’t stop telling their children about. He cannot go too far—Obi. He is enlightened, of course, filled with wisdom. And so, they are wrong and he is right; whatever he says is. ‘Them’ includes even the clan head; the bald man whose dull eyes give him the look of an owl. It is he who should be chairing this meeting, who should object the most to Obi’s suggestions; who should reprimand Obi just as an elder reprimands a child who has been spotted playing in a puddle of mud swarming with worms. But he does not utter a word; he only nods, staring closely at the amber lights flickering on and on from the shackle-like thing over Obi’s neck, and spreading his lips in a wry smile that does a poor job hiding his inner disagreement with some of the things the younger man has been saying. The clan head shouldn’t be the one found disagreeing with the saviour.

If someone should ask the clan head, why he is silent — like his wife might when she hears about this, why he relinquishes the respect due him and gladly watches his subordinates clothe another in it, he’d say it is because Obi has somehow attained the closest-to-a-god status a man can attain.

“He dey fly o.” He’d say with a shrug, the stench of tobacco following his words, two rows of teeth blackened by overuse of the drug made visible. “This young man wey you see so, he dey fly like bird.”

The meeting comes to an end when the sun is just beginning its descent into the horizon. After Obi has taken everyone’s hands in a handshake, bowing in reverence, a “Thank you, Mazi,” leaving his lips when he shakes each hand.

He shakes the clan head last, and adds, “By tomorrow, we’ll gather here and watch.”

He steps aside, snaps out his metallic wings, and flies home.

As he glides smoothly across the sky, he can spot the kids looking up at him from down there, their naked, bulging tummies covered in dust.


“How did it go?” Obi’s wife, Uchechi, asks when Obi returns, rising from the edge of the seat which she has been sitting gingerly on, waiting for her husband to return from his all-men meeting. Obi walks into the room, shoulders low, and places the satellite phone on the table by the window.

There is no response to her question, and so Uchechi follows her husband, hugging him from behind and resting her head on his upper back.

“How did it go, my love?” She asks again. “Answer me this time.”

Obi pulls her around. Looking into her eyes, he smiles. But his smile soon becomes a grimace as he runs a finger along the shackle on his wife’s neck.

“They have agreed.” He says, his finger still on her neck, “We will be free.”

“They agreed!?” She brightens. “Then why is your face still this dull? You don’t want to be free anymore? You want to remain watched? Saddled with the fear of being taken back up there?”

“I don’t know.” He takes his face away, “I feel what is about to happen is not right.”


Uchechi has always known Obi to be somewhat soft, unlike the woman she has since become; the woman whom years of painful service to those pathetic pale-skinned men hammered her into. She scoffs at this weakness from her husband. She spots the empathy in his eyes before he takes his gaze away, as if flinching at the disgust in her eyes. It is the same dull flame she saw years before, on the day of their release from the Sky Keeps, when he was first asked to sign a number of documents to secure their release.

“I can’t sign this.” He had said when a pen was offered him, backpedaling away from the table. “I can’t.”

Jaws had dropped as the humming AC swept wonder into the room.

“You will, alright.” Baltimore, the Sky Keep director jeered after a moment. “You don’t seem to understand what’s at stake here. But it seems your lover does,” He cast a glance at Uchechi, “and she should do a good job explaining it to you.”

“How many girls have the elders agreed to lease?” Uchechi pulls her mind to the present and breaks the silence.


“You told them the girls will be trained, right?”

“Yes, I did.”

“And taught how to fly?”


“I told you it’ll work.” Uchechi pulls at Obi’s cheeks. “Smile. We’ll be free. Remember all we have had to go through? Remember what it was like up there? Smile. These things will finally be taken off our necks, and we’ll have a new life: we’ll no longer be observed, slaves, scared of being taken again. We’ll go to Lagos and live like normal human beings again.

Obi barely grunted in response.

“Don’t think about the girls. Consider them an exchange we have to make. I am a woman, like them, but I understand that what has to be done must be done. When it gets to their turn, they’ll find their own path to freedom.”

A kiss.

“Now, go have a bath. Sleep, too. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”

She ambles off. “We will eat. Drink something, even.”


Obi is surprised that Uchechi manages to sleep. Unable to sleep, he has instead spent the past hour turning this way and that way on the bed. He wonders, how does a woman carry such strength in her? Such ambition. How does she glue her eyes on a goal this way, never taking them off until the goal is achieved? Maybe she really isn’t sleeping. He heaves a sigh as he raises himself into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, staring down at his wife. Perhaps she is just lying there, drowning herself in a pool of thoughts like he has been doing. That must be the case, as it is almost impossible for one to find sleep on a night like this.

He climbs to his feet, walks over to the wall, and switches the lights on. The dull blue lights do not disturb sleep much. His gaze turns to the wall clock, and when he notes that the time reads 11:30 p.m. a sigh escapes his throat. A good thing he wasn’t able to fall asleep when he tried to. In thirty minutes, as is the usual scheduled check, the buds stuck deep in his ears will begin to blare. Baltimore’s voice will then demand: “Hey, 1211. Obi of Nigeria. You there? Say something. Anything. Hey?? Tap the buzzer on your neck and say something or we will come over there and get you. Know this: if we do get you, you are never going to be free again. Also, do not forget the bargain. Obi!?”

Obi hates that he and his wife have had to live this way since they were released from the Sky Keeps two months prior; he hates that their sleep is never complete. If they somehow manage to sleep through the blaring earbuds, they would surely be thrown awake when the battery-powered shackle begins to squeeze their necks. He casts Uchechi another glance as he slumps into the chair beside the bed, noting the contour of her butt. He returns from the kitchen with a cup of coffee wrapped in his hand. He downs the coffee in one gulp. Setting the cup on the floor, he leans back into the chair to place his right foot atop the bed.

He remembers the day they were taken — he and Uchechi. They were both thirteen years old, top of their small class in the Canyon Space Exploration Basic Science Examination. His mother could not attend the ceremony because she had been sent back to her village, which was several miles away. His father, who is now dead, had accused the woman of sleeping with another man, stripping her of wifehood before putting her away in an apparel of shame. Obi’s father was there at the ceremony. Tall and lanky, it was he who had adorned Obi in a chieftaincy attire, arming the teenage boy with verbal instructions as they both stood within the old village square just before a strange white man came to announce that it was time to leave.

“You are a great one.” He had told Obi, “Do not feel sad that your mother chose to bring shame upon us both by doing what she did. That’s how women are. They never know that their shame claims their relatives, too. They like to think this world is all about them.” He then turned to Uchechi, the orphaned girl who had now flanked them to the right. Her parents passed away when she was six, and so she had been raised by a white man and his wife, both of who relocated to Lagos City a week before, children following their old Mercedes-Benz as it zoomed down the red muddy road, screaming bye bye Principal Frankfurt. The missionary family, taking all their workers with them, left due to some land dispute that ended in a fat Igbo woman spitting thick phlegm on the white lady’s face, going on to lash out a hand and slap her.

“This land na my husband land. Comot here. We no need your stupid school. We no fit plant yams on top school. Carry your school comot here. Give us awa land.”

Their girl was in safe hands, Mr and Mrs Frankfurt believed; even though it was hard to say goodbye to Udimili; hard to, in Mr Frankfurt’s words, ‘turn their backs on an entire village which could do better with formal education’. They would leave, positive that they’d see their girl again. Baltimore was their trusted friend, who loved Nigeria as much as they did—or probably even more. He owned the Canyon Space Exploration and could be trusted. Baltimore used to be a missionary, too, when they were all still teenagers back in England, long before his parents insisted that he fly to Russia, to go study robotic engineering. He returned a changed person — more motivated, with a dream of changing the world.

Baltimore would always talk about what it’d feel like to live in the air, away from all the noise and pollution on the ground. One thing about him, however, didn’t change through the years: his love for Africa and its people. When a score years after the establishment of Canyon Space Exploration, the Frankfurts, who were now full-time missionaries in Nigeria, sought support, he did not only support them, he promised to train as many children as he could.

Like Obi, Uchechi was dressed in fancy, ceremonial clothing. Hers was a flowing white gown, a symbol that she was pure. “You, you are my daughter too. Go there knowing that Obi is your brother. I have told him to look after you. I know he will. Let him look after you, my girl.” Obi’s father pronounced the last two words as if he tasted them, a metallic-sweet taste. Or as if what he meant to say was, “My weak girl.”

An irony, it turned out Obi seldom looked after Uchechi. Instead, the girl looked after the boy.

Four years after arriving the sky keeps, it became clearer and clearer that this massive wonder of a facility situated on some aircraft deep in the skies wasn’t meant to be a place where African teenagers train to become better scientists, as had been touted. The organization had stopped admitting more ‘students’. They said the ship was running out of oxygen supplies. A lie, of course. The ship up there isn’t built solely like a spacecraft and does not have to depend on oxygen from a source positioned inside it. Built like a plane, though far larger, it is fed oxygen from the surrounding air through valves.

Too many teenagers were dying unexplained deaths up there, many more returning to the hostels with bleeding arms and legs, metals jutting from their bodies as if they had just fought some kind of war. No one asked questions.   

Obi cowered when Uchechi told him what was really going on: they were using black people as experimental rats, attempting to create human-robot hybrids from them. And if anyone spoke about his or her experience, such a person would be killed.

“They’ll soon come and take you.” Uchechi said one evening. She was covered in sweat and smelled of sex. “But, you don’t worry. Nothing will happen. They want to make us fly.”

“How do you know this?”

“I am a woman. We know things.”

True to Uchechi’s words, Obi was taken the next day. Two officers walked into the classroom, where science and technology was being taught, and called out Obi’s code number: 1211. When the young man stood up and ambled forward, they carefully assessed his arms and legs with their eyes before whispering: “Okay, this one might work. Big arms here.”

Obi would have surely died that night after the operation, after steel bars were pushed into his arms, if it wasn’t for Uchechi. She hadn’t only managed to get a doctor down here, to Obi’s room, she also donated blood to keep Obi from dying of shock when the doctor suggested it. The doctor, a bald white man, after he was done tending to Obi, winked at Uchechi before leaving the room. “Be glad I came around.” She knew exactly what he meant by that gesture: he needed more sex. Sex had been necessary to draw him here, and another round of it was his required payment for his service. Uchechi would not wink back, however. “I know, I am coming.”

Obi turned out to be the breakthrough; the first one to really fly. And so, he spent the following months away from the main facility that was technically some kind of prison disguised as a school, where over a hundred black students were confined, away from everyone else, under the keen observation of scientists and robotists. He spent those months learning how to fly, how to snap out his wings and push the air back as he glided in the air. Uchechi, too, soon turned out to be a success and so was introduced into the chamber that housed Obi.

“It seems it’s the Nigerians who are working at this. Who knows why, maybe it’s their unwillingness to die.” Baltimore said, jeering as he unlocked the door, his eyes on Uchechi’s waist. He knew he had just sounded stupid and so avoided every pair of eyes around him.

One night, after what passed as an awkward kiss which did not feel as good as the first, Uchechi suggested something that made Obi flinch back.

“I think we can go home.”


“We can go back home, down to the earth. Back home. You can see your mother and father, and I can see the Frankfurts.”

He had stared at her face, amused at the foolish boldness plastered across it. Perhaps this foolishness is a thing girls get as they grow older, as their breasts form into bulging flesh that a man’s hands cup and squeeze gently, as their buttocks take shape, swaying when they walk.


“We can, I am telling you. We can just strike a deal. There’s someone here who thinks it’s best to help us. He has been talking to Baltimore.”

It seemed foolish at first, Uchechi’s suggestion. But things happened just the way she said they would. Baltimore welcomed the idea when it was told to him, twisting his moustache with his fingers as he listened to his subordinate.

“Hmmmm. Maybe we do need more people up here. And these Nigerians seem to be doing well here. They’re smart. We could use them to man the drones, even. Okay. Okay. Bring them in.”

Baltimore would agree to let Uchechi and Obi go after a number of years. But as prisoners, however. Rich prisoners who would go on to build stone houses and woo their tribesmen with robotic abilities. It was important that they return as rich folks, so as to ignite admiration in their tribesmen’s hearts; this way, the plan would play out perfectly.


Down at Chief Orji’s house, no one has fallen asleep. The argument between the clan head and his wife has died down, but there are still mutters escaping his house loud enough to be heard by neighbours. The woman is bent on not letting their daughter go up there with the whites.

“Those whites built us schools,” Orji tries to persuade her. “They took our children and changed their lives. Did your father not tell you how they helped push the sea back when a flood threatened to swallow us?”

“Right. I don’t trust them. I have had dreams. Nothing feels good about this.”


“You don’t trust them. That’s why they left. How much good has that done us?

“Even if you do not trust them, you must trust our brother, Obi, the wise one. You must trust Uchechi, too. The elders never take a decision that’ll hurt the people. In the end, this will bring us a lot of good.”

“Whatever. My daughter isn’t going.” She stumps off.


The sun overhead is failing against the clouds attempting to encircle it. A small crowd has gathered within the village square. It consists of the six elders, each one accompanied by his wife, the parents of the girls who are about to be taken away, the girls themselves, and a few other people who never let an astonishing sight pass them by.

Everyone can spot the embarrassment on Chief Orji’s face. His wife is not here, neither is his daughter.

The girls are all dressed in their favorite clothes, and all look happy.

“Mummy,” One looks up at her mother. This one is barely eight. “When I come back, I will be able to fly too. I’ll become like aunty Uchechi, and I’ll build us stone houses.”

The mother’s face beams in a smile as she pats her daughter’s head. “Yes, yes, yes.”

When Obi arrives, dressed in his chieftaincy attire, his slender dark wife is dressed in glistening clothes, flanking him in her splendour.

Cheering rises into the air.

“Saviour.” A man jabs his right fist into the air.

“Obi! The number one!” another joins.

Waving a hand, Obi quietens the crowd on reaching them. He walks amongst them like a king, taking a careful look at each girl about to be sent into the sky, nodding in affirmation.

“You girls are going to be amazing people soon!” he echoes.

He steps away after a while, pressing a knob on his neck. A beep, lights flickering more rapidly. Two minutes after, the distant humming of an aircraft begins. They’re here. In fact, they’ve been here since last night, waiting for the signal.

Dust fills the air when the small space shuttle lands paces away from the crowd, hissing as it is turned off. Whispers rise here and there.

“Oyinbo don return.” One woman raises a squeal, jumping into the air in excitement.

“Oyinbo don come back.”

“God bless Obi.”

Clapping and dancing erupts in the village square.

Obi and Uchechi step forward, a bewildered crowd of chattering villagers now behind them.

Clanking pierces into the roaring air as the door of the shuttle is pushed open. Baltimore steps out in a suit, and a woman in a similar suit follows after him, and stands beside him when he halts.

“Obi.” The man in a suit says, stretching his hand for a handshake. “We meet again.” Obi does not take his hand, and so he turns to Uchechi. “Uchechi. Looking pretty as ever.”

Uchechi, too, does not take his hand nor move as if wanting to hug him.

Awkward silence.

“Ahem.” Obi barks a cough. “The girls are here.”

“They are? By all means, bring them!”

“Not yet. The directorate made a promise. My wife and I for six girls. You’d have to unlock these things on our necks.”

A laugh. “I am not one to play tricks. You served us well. Bring the girls, and freedom is yours as agreed.”

Obi waves a hand, and the girls and their parents advance, carefully, as if stepping on glass. A villager makes a step, as if to follow, but withdraws into the crowd.

“That is more like it.” Baltimore says.

He opens the palm of his hand to his lady companion, standing to the right. A new employee, it seems, as neither Obi nor Uchechi recognize her. She puts a small device into Baltimore’s hand. He points this device to Obi’s neck. At once, the shackle unbuckles. The same thing happens when he points it to Uchechi’s neck.

Obi and Uchechi both backpedal, a gasp of relief escaping their throats.

“I’ll break it off completely when the girls have boarded.”

The girls reach the space shuttle in a few seconds. Obi watches as the littlest one hugs her mother one last time, his heart hammers within his chest. What has he just done? He watches everything, a sharp shiver slithering up his bones. He watches the lady in a suit guide the girls into the shuttle, to be taken away from home, never to return the same; but as slaves who will be expected to buy their freedom by selling others into slavery.

Obi wonders: Who knows what they’ll be doing up there, in the skies; what they’ll be forced to do. Maybe theirs will be worse. Maybe they’ll not only be used as lab rats for human-hybrid experiments. Maybe they’ll be sliced open and their organs harvested. Maybe tortured. Uchechi walks to stand by him. There is an exchange of glances. “They’ll find their way. Let’s be on our way to Lagos. Let’s go find the Frankfurts, I miss them.”

Ubong Johnson is writes when he isn’t playing the piano. He is a student doctor and editor of Fiction Niche Literary Magazine. His works have appeared or are forthcoming on The Kalahari Review, the Shallow Tales Review, Eboquils, and others.

BODIES – Chisom Umeh

Chisom Umeh
Chisom is a Nigerian fiction writer and poet. He holds a degree in English and literature. When he's not watching movies or writing about fantastical things, he's tweeting about movies and fantastical things at izom_chisom. His short story is forthcoming in Second Skin Mag.

My name is Suleiman Kanu and I never sleep. Or, rather, I’m always asleep. I’m not even sure. I just know that when the drowsiness comes and my heavy eyelids shut, they jerk open again in another place and in another body. And I become Jeremy. Jeremy Obong.

Suleiman and Jeremy never meet each other. They are several states apart in fact. The former is a cashier at a popular bank in Lagos. The latter is a writer in a small apartment in Anambra. When I earn my salary from the bank, I use it to fund my writing career and book buying habits. Because someone needs to work and earn money. And someone needs to document all this shit that goes on with me. The headache I always woke up with after every transition when I was younger; and the seamless psychic movement from Lagos to Anambra as I grew older. All need to be in black and white.

Maybe I’d even make a novel or non-fiction piece out of it someday. Someday when I’m bold enough to reveal my dual identity. Maybe.

But for now, I’m still trying my best to keep this under the radar, because here, they’d call me a wizard if I don’t. But it gets harder by the day. And I feel them closing in on me with bibles and holy water. It has happened before. And trust me, you don’t want to know what it feels like.


I’m Suleiman right now. Suleiman takes the morning /day shift while Jeremy does evening/ night. The bank is extra chilly this afternoon. As if the air conditioner is a portal to Antarctica. My teeth are chattering as I stamp someone’s teller. A tall man with glasses propped on his afro.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks.

“I’m… fine,” I say.

“You might want to take the rest of the day off.”

I come back home earlier than I’m used to. The sun is still bathing my apartment and Danny is looking at me weirdly. He cocks his head and spends a full minute before rushing to line my face with spittle. Dogs are the only friends I keep. They are the only people who don’t bother me when I tell them I’m not interested in game night or don’t want to go to the club.

I feel the strong urge to sleep. It isn’t time yet. The couch is a little softer and Danny’s body is a little warmer. Provigil’s effect is waning fast. I blink each time I get to the edge, but nature wins and my eyelids eventually glide over my irises.


I wake in a place that is not Jeremy’s one-room apartment in Awka. The ceiling is way too high and the walls way too far. And there are voices. Plenty voices.

“Jeremy shall be freed in Jesus’ name,” someone says. “Jeremy shall be freed in Jesus’ name.”

I sit up and notice oil cascading down my cheeks. I find my grandmother amongst the mix of faces gathered around me. Her eyes aren’t closed shut and unlike others, her wrinkles are from old age, rather than solemn prayers.

Even though Suleiman and I shot out of our mothers’ uterus at the same time, I first awakened in his body before moving to Jeremy’s. Jeremy’s mother thought she had a still-birth. The people on this side had formed a semicircle like this one, too, that day. My mother said she cried. My father couldn’t watch. Grandma’s face was as it is now. When Suleiman slept, I coughed and joined my mother in her cry. My awakening removed the sadness from her tears and replaced them with all the joys I brought from the Kanus.

It had been a cycle of sleep and wake since then. I close my eye as Jeremy and my dreams are in Suleiman. I go to school on Monday as the former, and resume on Tuesday in the latter’s body.

Some said I was possessed, others said it was a medical condition. I didn’t blame them. They mostly always knew only one part of my story.

“Now that you’re here, we’re going to seal your spirit in this body,” a man says. His dreads drape to his shoulders, and his red robe does the same to his toes. He’s holding a silver metal that looks like an upside-down cross. The others except my grandma are wearing white garments. They’re shoeless, too.

Wait, I thought this was a church?

They seem to have learnt. Pastors have so far been unable to do more than quote scriptures and bathe me with spittle. This man looks more aggressive. More daring. Like he can actually do what he claims.

I stand and try to walk, but the group closes around me. Their voices come together in a chant that makes me dizzy. The red-robed man grabs my shoulder and tries to wrestle me to the ground. I come down easily, even though I want to resist.

There’s a bell tolling somewhere. Plenty bells. They reverberate in the architecture of my brain. It goes on for an hour. Maybe two. I feel something pull against the insides of my skin. Like my bones have suddenly grown hands. I’m turning on the floor, and I instantly fear for Suleiman, my other self. What would become of him if they seal me in Jeremy?

No. No.

I remember a trick I usually use to put myself to sleep. I have to close my eyes, block everything out, and count to twenty.

I lie there, still as a statue.


“He’s trying to go,” the man shouts.


“Increase your voices. Don’t let him go!!”



silence. 20.


Danny’s body is still warm. He’s licking the sides of my face. I guess it’s his way of saying welcome back.

Like a man who never knows he snores, I never know what happens to one body, when I inhabit the other.

Chisom is a Nigerian fiction writer and poet. He holds a degree in English and literature. When he’s not watching movies or writing about fantastical things, he’s tweeting about movies and fantastical things at izom_chisom. His short story is forthcoming in Second Skin Mag. 

THE INHERITANCE – Virgilia Ferrao

Virgília Ferrão
Virgília Ferrão is a Mozambican author. She has published “O Romeu é Xingondo e Julieta Machangane”, 2005; “O Inspector de Xindzimila”, 2016 and has two novels in print. She also runs the blog “Diário de uma Qawwi”, for literature review and short stories on speculative fiction. Virgilia was awarded the Literary Prize 10 de Novembro, 2019, by the Maputo City Council, being the first woman to win this prize. She is editing the anthology “Quantum Spirits: a journey through stories from Africa in Speculative Fiction” scheduled for publication by Diário de Uma Qawwi, in 2022.

Oblivious to my anxiety and to my gloomy pallor, Kitwara ignores the silence and opens the door. She stands on the threshold, her long pink boots and silky brown braids glistening through my hut, under the ice of the nervous haze that reflects in the windows. The fog clouds my brain. It even clouds the cookie in my mouth, which crumbles, tasteless, down my throat.

I tuck my head into the pillow. The girl is speaking, but I’d rather remain evasive, slithering in the cold bed, through these slick sheets, like a river of lard.

“Hey, why aren’t you dressed yet?”

“I’m sorry, Kitwara. It’s cold. And tonight, I just want to hide my face from the world!”

“Hide? What are you running away from?”

“My destiny, obviously! I can’t stop thinking about the manifest!”

“Well, we all have this senseless clock ticking, don’t we? What’s the point of ruminating about it?”

“I can’t think of anything else”

And I grasp, again, in my mind, the old world.

They say that the old world was big. And then we decided to break it into pieces and sell the bits. When it got too small, we tried to rebuild it. But it was too late. We had spent it all on carbon dioxide credits, artificial water, and oxygen. There was nothing left for the rest of us, in the new world.

“Eish, how depressing ehh! Get up and get dressed, because the party is going to be a blast! There are good heaters there, and plenty of alcohol!”

“But Kitwara! What if the manifest gets me today? Which alcohol will cheer me up?”

Kitwara stares at me, serene.

“As far as I know, the manifest can catch you today, as it can catch you in five, ten, or fifteen years from now. Or never!”

I rise and stand by the ledge. It is amazing how the technology of the city can break through this forest. I can see the little metal bees flying over the leaves of the apple trees. I wonder if they are wise. If they have heard Kitwara’s determined “never!”. Escaping the manifest is almost impossible. Just as it is impossible for me to imagine such a thing as “cars”, circling the streets of the old world.

“Think this way”, Kitwara says, “If the manifest gets you now, even better”.

I quickly turn to her, wide-eyed.

“Better? Better for whom?”

“For you. Don’t you want to stay young for eternity? And then, imagine what it will be like to live in the Plain? They say it’s paradise!”

“No one has ever come back from there to tell what it’s like”

For an instant, it seems that the serenity in my friend’s beautiful pair of brown eyes, will succumb and swallow my soul.

“Enough, already! You know very well that the both of us have good inheritances. When the manifest happens to us, it will be glorious”.

“Will it, now? Do I really have a good inheritance? Is that the reason why I am alone in the world?”

“That is the reason, yes sir,” she assures me, “Our ancestors were generous. And I’ll tell you more: Cossa, Michael, Zuleca, Nhantumbo, they all are in the Plain”.

“What if they did not find their inheritance?”

“I hate your pessimism. You have nothing to worry about, trust me. Just get dressed and come with me to the party!”

I excuse myself. Not that my friend isn’t worthy of my company. Or that I don’t value her. I have known Kitwara since I was a child. I grew up in the dark of the woods, she was raised in the lights of city, but we are like sides of the same coin. I know by heart the scent of her hair, the path of her ideals. She is the only one capable of guiding me when it gets so shadowy. But today it’s hard to follow her sun. It’s hard to accept that “I have nothing to worry about”. What do I know about this life? Waterfalls, birds, fresh air. What do I know about it? Other than what I have been imagining?

Someone said I should try write about these anxieties. But the more I insist on sliding my fingers across the pen, the more the ink dries, my inability to communicate becomes evident. As if one could expect much from an indigenous person like myself, who took shelter in the woods and didn’t even have a proper education. The kind of education I heard about, that happened more than two or three centuries ago. In the generation of my great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents. My ancestors. Where schools and universities existed as institutions. Before the old world had ended.

By the way, I was raving in dreams about the old-world times, when the manifest, obviously inexorable, came. It broke through me in the middle of the night. Some will wish you congratulations on the manifest. Others, the condolences. Who cares. I was alone, there was not a single syllable of consolation for me.

Some people have described the manifest as the feeling of having a saw ripping your skin off. Others have said, it’s like liquid mint coursing through your veins. I don’t know if it hurts. I just feel the cracking into my arteries. I see the blood clots staining the sheets and pillowcases, pouring uninterruptedly from my nostrils and ears. I feel a burn in my bones, barks in my head.

I have little time left to continue breathing normally.

Just enough to leave behind the tired and grey walls of this hut. After all the years of living in fear, like a rabbit out in the wind, I must focus on one thing only: the inheritance. The damn inheritance. I wonder if the light of my ancestors will now illuminate my path.

Stumbling, I drag myself across the dripping rug and lift my trembling fingers to the refrigerated safe. I grab the blue ampoule stored inside. Every citizen has the right to one. At least the Government assures us this. I have been guarding the ampoule like one guards his heart.

Statistics. Why doesn’t the Government share the statistics of those who entered, and those who stayed? Some things are better left unknown; I assume.

Anyway, I don’t want to get into any statistics, other than of those who lived.

I inject the medicine through my thigh. Single dose.

A distant uncle, officer at the central power, told me that my mother activated the manifest when I was just born. My father, a hunter, followed her three years later. I had no one left. In Kitwara’s family, the first and only one to have gone through, so far, was her father. The manifest caught Mr. Antonio, at the age of 55. Not at 18, as it turns out to happen to me.

Under the effect of the ampoule, the bleeding slows down and my lungs slowly open, allowing me to breathe calmly again. I must rush to the Center to reclaim my inheritance, immediately.

It is unbearably cold. I curl up in my fuzzy coat. Use my dry fingers to stretch my long dreads.

During the trajectory through the ice of the night, I try to call Kitwara, but her cell phone is off. I don’t want to leave without saying goodbye to my best friend, but under the circumstances, there aren’t many options. We will meet again on the other side, in the Plain.

I’m waiting for the train to the Build Center, downtown. There are more people waiting. Sick people like me, who have also activated the manifest. While we cross on the train, at the speed of death, I can’t help but imagine the old world. Not that I don’t like my world. I love the new world, all its technology and extravagance. It’s just that, my body doesn’t respond to the new world. My body was made to survive in the conditions of the old world. Where humans did not suffer from the manifest. My ancestors, certainly, did not suffer from the manifest.

It is not known, for sure, what caused the present generation to develop this condition. The most accepted theory is that severe climate changes are to blame. The old world by then, collapsed, and the effects are now felt in our bodies.

When the manifest gets us, it activates something in our blood, and eventually we stop breathing the oxygen of the new world. It is not a death sentence. Over the years, with the help of the best scientists, the government has managed to find a cure. In Africa, the cure is called mawa.

Mawa is implanted in us to clean and renew the blood, suppressing all the abnormalities. They say that mawa not only stops the manifest, but it also stops aging. In other words, it is a new chance. After we are implanted with mawa, we cross to the Plain, a place resembling the old world, created especially for all those who activated the manifest. There, we can continue to live, for many long years, breathing normally.

Through the coach window I can see the building that houses the Center. My legs tremble as I jump straight onto the cold concrete.

Shit! The manifest is indeed a death sentence. Forgive me if I said otherwise.

He who has no inheritance, gets no mawa. Period.

No soul has ever returned from the Center to report on the experience. We are not told who gets the inheritance and who doesn’t. My parents, my family, may have crossed over to the Plain or they may have simply passed away in some corridor of this vast building. I wonder what they do with the bodies. If this is a mystery, the government’s reasons have always been very clear: the resources for mawa development and for the sustainability of the Plain are limited. Because of that, they only allocate mawa to those who have the inheritance. This is how the system has worked ever since I can remember.

The inheritance is gauged by the database controlled exclusively by the government, a database that contains information about each of us, each of our ancestors, and our activities. Everything counts. Not only my behavior. Theirs, mainly. The care they took with the old world, with the environment, the water, the air. Each of these actions counts towards the points, negative or positive, compiled by the government. It is the positive points that determine our inheritance.

My life depends now on my ancestors.

“Ma’am, may I ask why are you laughing?”

The woman in the white uniform, reading my file, my history, and certainly studying my inheritance, continues to smile.


She moves away through the luminous silver of the floor, and rummages through several rows of silver drawers. When she returns, she brings a small box with her.

“Rejoice, young man, you are a lucky fellow! You come from a line of exemplary people. Your relatives were true janitors for the environment. Yay, you can celebrate, as you are about to cross over into the Plain! Young man: today you are reborn! You just have to sign the form… and that’s it!”

A warmth runs through my chest, at the exact moment when she folds up the sleeve of my shirt, to insert mawa into my arm. I end up making a sudden movement, awakened by an insistent screaming. There is something horrible going on behind the glazed door.

The technician releases the metal syringe, which slides to the floor.

“What is this?”, I ask, choking as the screams hit the flank of my heart, “What’s happening?”

The technician places a hand on my shoulder. Visibly shaken, she mumbles:

“Oh, it hurts so much. It’s a reality that I never get used to. It’s always sad when someone doesn’t get their inheritance… hey! Come back here, young man! There’s nothing you can do for them…!”

Something stronger inside me keeps me from remaining still. I open the door, and I see her. Dragged by her arms and feet. Everyone ignores her pleas.

No. Not my life. Not her. How could her ancestors have forsaken her?


Virgília Ferrão is a Mozambican author. She has published “O Romeu é Xingondo e Julieta Machangane”, 2005; “O Inspector de Xindzimila”, 2016 and has two novels in print. She also runs the blog “Diário de uma Qawwi”, for literature review and short stories on speculative fiction. Virgilia was awarded the Literary Prize 10 de Novembro, 2019, by the Maputo City Council, being the first woman to win this prize. She is editing the anthology “Quantum Spirits: a journey through stories from Africa in Speculative Fiction” scheduled for publication by Diário de Uma Qawwi, in 2022.

Baartman – Nick Wood

Nick Wood
Nick Wood is a Zambian born, disabled South African (naturalised) clinical psychologist and SF writer with over two dozen short stories published variously (Collected in LEARNING MONKEY AND CROCODILE, 2019), as well as a novella in South Africa (Young Africa Series): THE STONE CHAMELEON (2004). His debut SF novel is AZANIAN BRIDGES (2016) and his follow-up is the African SolarPunk novel WATER MUST FALL (2020).

VryGrond, Cape Town, November 2053

‘Halt!’ shouted a voice from the sky.

So, we stopped; all remaining sixty or so of us from our two thousand mile march from Lusaka south to here, down to the end of Africa.  

Saartjie Baartman reined in her hover-frame and swivelled around to face those of us following behind, as she floated inches above the desolate sands of the Cape Flats.

Behind her, we could all see – and most of us could hear – the pounding surf of the great Southern Ocean. A wind rose off the sea, bringing with it a stench of kelp weed, sharp and pungent, stirring old memories of sand and play. In between us and the ocean lay a bright, but ominous looking, yellow building.

To our right, the irregular spine of Table Mountain loomed, hanging above the small white washed scatter of houses, where my parents had died. A place that was named after the Portuguese explorer, Da Gama.

Do not look that way.

Immediately in front of us, the big yellow building straddled the arid landscape, alongside a field of green vegetation, all securely surrounded by razor-wire.

     Fola and I, standing just behind the hovering Saartjie, exchanged glances. The building looks heavily armed. It will not be easy to get inside. Initial resistance in Harare had cost us five lives. Saartjie had been distraught.  

     “Fellow Earth and Water Keepers, we are near the end of our mission, the cleansing of colonial Africa. Do not look up at the sky in fear, for the Gods do not speak English. Our enemies, as usual, are right here on our earth.”

     Saartjie’s eyes were hidden behind sun-darkened smart specs, so she gestured at Fola, who leaned her long body on her knobkierie. Over the months and miles, we had both learned to read well, the old woman’s looks and gestures. 

     Fola nodded, stood up straight and spun her knobkierie around, so that the heavier bulbous side faced downwards. She slammed the head of the wooden shaft three times on the ground, raising dust.

     Mechanical dragonflies poured from vents within the wooden shaft, funnelling upwards into the sky, in a colourful stream of whirring micro-drones. 

     All emitting electrical interference.  

     Those newer recruits who had joined us after Harare gasped in awe, as the seemingly vacant blue sky was infested with a dozen or so larger grey drones – marked FuelCorps on their undercarriages. 

     “The voice has come from camouflaged surveillance machines,” shouted Saartjie. “Nothing more, nothing less. Rest up here, while we Three confer.”

     The Three. Saartjie, Fola and I, Graham.

      Saartjie brought her hover-frame to earth, with some difficulty, on the small sandy rise on which Fola and I stood. Saartjie’s aged and wrinkled face was dripping – whether from the mental effort of steering the frame with her neural implant, or the gathering heat of the day, I couldn’t tell. Fola helped wrestle the anti-grav frame down safely, given the growing wind, which, as an early summer South Easter, I had known in younger years as the Cape Doctor. The wind’s clutches were cold, however, as if it carried ghosts, all the way up from Antarctica.  

     I dont believe in ghosts. No, dont look right!

Fola had twisted the head of her knobkierie, and her colourful drone-flies filed back into the nearby discarded shaft, as the FuelCorps crafts moved to hover en masse, directly overhead.  

They spoke from above, again. “This is private property. You are loitering with intent. You have five minutes to disperse – or you will be shot. This is your last and fair warning.”

Nervous glances went upwards from many – including me – despite our selves. The Chinese drones in Harare had been unarmed; but we could not be sure, that the same held for FuelCorps. 

 FuelCorps – a Western multinational corporation, dealing in military grade biofuels and with deep coffers, sufficient to compensate states endlessly for any collateral corpses, in pursuit of their market gains.

     Market gains, market stains. African slaves had been massive fodder for early colonial capitalism.

     Now, these companies flaunted their green credentials.

     And spoke from African skies.

I helped Saartjie step and stand, holding her arm as briefly as I could, while she tottered a moment. Saartjie’s solar H-F had been an expensive gift from the Afrixan Union, to assist her eighty-year-old body to cope with our mission from Lusaka south. But the journey had still extracted a heavy toll on her – and everyone. 

Saartjie allowed her hover-frame to drop onto the sand, with an inner command from her neural Rig, Hottentotsgod

“Right,” she said, wiping her brow-sweat away with a sleeve, “Let’s cut to the chase, we have very little time. Can you reconfirm that none of the biofuels they produce is for Africa, Graham?”

I did not need to consult my own Rig, Wormwood aka Cyril, to answer. “Not one ear of corn, Saartjie. All for the American-Sino War effort.  And we have offered them more than the legal minimum compensation required, as decreed by the Land Reclamation Act of Afrixa, 2049.”

Saartjie cued her smart specs translucent again. “There’s just one person inside that building, but they have enough armament, to hold off a regular army.”

“We can still fight!” Fola picked up her knobkierie and lifted it high above her head, flexing her biceps under her grey T-shirt.

“Four minutes!” boomed the drones.

Saartjie shook her head as she looked behind us, to the residue of our ‘Keeper army’, broken by the arduous journey of clearing African land and water. “It looks like we will all need fucking hover-frames, if we want to move again. I will pray for reinforcements. I will call on some Real Big Fuckers for help.”

Her swearing had become louder and longer, with the gathering miles.

Saartjie closed her eyes and clutched at the ostrich shell necklace around her neck; her long grey locks hanging over her shoulders. She muttered a string of clicks, low, under her breath.

/Xam San. I have no idea what she is whispering. So few people know the old languages anymore. But what good is a prayer, in the face of a fucking bullet? Is she losing it?

I kept my face straight, though, although my own feet were rough and raw in brown battered boots. I had at times opted for private taxis along the way. But I am getting on too, after all.

Fola joined the rest of the brigade, as if trying to rally the troops, gesticulating furiously. Now, we were mostly women, many seated with backs against small and sparse supply sacks; just a few in solar-powered wheelchairs. A tired and frenzied hum of conversation grew louder, in languages both colonial and indigenous, from the disappeared states of the Congo, Burundi, Kenya, and Zambia, amongst others.

“Three minutes!”

The Keepers stirred anxiously, and many started getting back to their feet.

Saartjie opened her eyes and sighed deeply, again, “This land was stolen from we, the /Xam San and First People, by the invading Dutch, more than four hundred years ago. Now is the time for The Great Reclamation. I want to take this building without bloodshed. Do you want to try and negotiate a rapid online deal with FuelCorps one last time, Diplomat?” 

     Thats me, for what Im worth.

     I shook my head, fear rising sharply inside. No blood? Is she crazy? We are exposed here. I dont want to die now.  “No! They’re based in Texas and have a White Brotherhood leadership structure. They’ve seen me on video and said ’No!’ even more loudly. One official even called me a – a – fucking race traitor.”

     Saartjie tossed her head back to laugh, a hearty guffaw that shook her broad shoulders and belly, ruffling her green and grey camouflage shirt and coat. “Because you’re white? Race, the enduring lie.”

     “Two minutes!”

     How can she laugh, as time runs out on us? Has she truly gone mad? Sudden onset dementia? We need to get out of here.

     Fola strode back to where we stood; on a small rise of detritus that smelt of stale shit and buzzed with flies. An old waste midden, no doubt left by the VryGrond squatters who had been forcibly evicted by FuelCorps.

Fola swatted a fly, homing in on the sweat around her lips. “Shall we attack, Saartjie?”

Saartjie laughed again, just a short bark this time, as she looked up at the tall woman. “We are clearly outgunned here, Fola. The threat of violence from our stun sticks and taser bolts does not deter them at all. Look.”

She pointed.

The yellow building had titanium buffers at the base, anchored with a slab of finality. The high surrounding fences crackled with deadly electricity, and steel turrets on the four main post heads glinted with swivelling smart-guns.

The fenced field of green had a small metal container near the gate, festooned with anchored robots, all with rough ground tracks and gun pivots.

“We are no match for mobile warbots. No one is even bothering to come out to try and mollify us.” She swiped a fly away from her own brow. “To them, we are just fucking flies.”

“One minute!” The drones overhead began to hum loudly, as if rising towards a deadly crescendo.

“What else can we do? No time left!” said Fola, tersely.

We can run or surrender and retreat? I didnt sign up for death.

“We do what we’ve always done with our enemies,” Saartjie said, “we talk… and in this new age, we make sure we don’t fucking pay for it later!”

“But their bosses have said no,” I said, battling to stop myself from running.

“Graham, for a sixty-year-old man, you can be so fucking naïve. Let’s go talk to the one person they’ve left on the ground, to oversee their weaponised garden…Let’s go talk to their gardener.”

And she stepped backwards onto her reactivated hover-frame and waved me to follow, pivoting to glide towards the building. She raised her arms and palms high in the air, in passive supplication and surrender. “Don’t shoot. We two are unarmed. We would talk, that’s all.”

Gun turrets spun, to track her approach.

“You have ten minutes to talk.” One of the drones peeled away to track her.

“Shit!” I said, and followed, with stiff and reluctant legs.

Saartjie Baartman was that sort of person. We’d followed her into so many predicaments before… and we had survived and overcome.

But what if shes now suddenly and completely dementing?

Still, I followed, with my bladder and bowels clenched.

Thankfully, the grey drones had all become silent again, as if their imminent death threat was held in abeyance.

The wind wafted in off the sea, chilling the bake of the sun on our skins. A dark shadow was growing on the horizon – not rain, surely, in this parched land?

Its as if I am walking back in time.

I remembered, from younger years living here, that this was called a black South Easter.

Again, I shivered.

Was it the guns blinking down on us from the sharp, buzzing fence?

Or a sense that Something Big was coming.

A storm?

Another shiver no, surely, surely not ghosts.

I really dont believe in ghosts.

But those dark clouds were coming, fast.


A short stone path led to the front door of the building, which, on closer inspection, was a drab bureaucratic brown. Large signpost on the wall in red: FuelCorps. Private Property. Friendly Fuel for Families. Approach, On Pain of Death. 

     “Any sign of a doorbell?” Saartjie gave me a wry smile, gesturing at the buzzing electrified gate, with its massive electric lock and two steel cameras at the top swivelled in our direction.

I shrugged – and then jumped, as the brown metal door cranked open, with a grinding scrape.

A smooth-shaven middle-aged man stepped out, clumsily, encased as he was in a combat straitjacket, riddled with weaponry. Even his legs were stiffened, inside Kevlar strappings.

My heart sank.

Not at his weaponry, which was intimidating, but at his tanned whiteness.

“What do you want?”

English, not Afrikaans speaking.  

Saartjie bowed, a slight, subtle bend – respect, but only so much. The rest had to be earned. “I am Saartjie Baartman of the San, First People. This is our land and I claim the right to occupy this building. May I ask: who are you, and where are you from?”

The man could not bow in return, locked rigid in his suit-weapon. Instead, he opened his empty palms. “I am Colin van Deventer, caretaker of this property, owned legally by FuelCorps. I come from here, born and bred. I’m afraid I cannot let you in – my employers will not agree. Take it up with them.”

“We have,” I said, “They were not reasonable. We hope you will be more so.” Shit. My legs below my shorts stung, from wind building to a sand blaster, and raising dust devils. 

The man clattered closer, peering at us through the bars of the gate. “Howzit, my china. Who the fuck are you, broer, and where are you from?”

“I’m Graham Mason, and I’m not your brother. I’m here to help you consider letting us in.”

 “Bottom line is, you know what we want,” Saartjie smiled, “Our journey, and those of our northern Earth and Water Keeper brothers and sisters, is well known. We want our land back, which was first ours and then stolen from us. This land is us.”

Colin shook his head, protecting his face from a burst of sand, with a raised and armoured right fist. “I have important crops to protect, for which I am well paid.”

“Blood corn. Join us and we will look after you well – we are building a new system together, where money has no meaning, as we share and protect all, with each other and the Earth.”

The man laughed, struggling to get his metalled right arm up to his face, in an apparent attempt to hide his laughter too. “Sweet words, gogo, but will they feed and clothe me and my family right now, up until I die? Can you guarantee me that?”

Saartjie sighed and looked at me, “I may be old, but I’m no grandmother, my boy. But no, there are no guarantees for anything. Things happen beyond our control, many times. But plans for a UBI are well advanced now. You will no longer be a wage slave.”

“And what about the Chinese? Don’t tell me you have been able to throw them out of Africa completely?”

“No,” I said, “But we have forced them to renegotiate terms and agree rentals not ownership, all of which favours Africans now: Afrixa is owned by no one – and everyone. Your bosses have not been open to any reasonable or fair negotiations.”

“Fair is funny, coming from another white man… you haven’t been here for a long time, though, have you? Tell me, where comfortably else are you from – Britain, Australia, New Zealand? You’re nothing but a fucking soutie.”

Ha – respect is not due to me, I guess, but I haven’t been called that in a long time. Derogatory Afrikaans term for a white male English settler – short for soutpiel, or salty penis. One foot in Africa, the other in Britain – with your penis dangling in the Atlantic Ocean in-between.

I did not get angry. I’ve learned not to rise to the bait, in sensitive negotiations. I was uneasy, though. Sun gone. Dark? Clouds racing above us, as sand blisters us.

Yes, I have always felt in-between. I guess that’s why Saartjie picked me as Chief Negotiator in those heady Lusakan days, when I was newly off the volunteer plane from Aotearoa, carrying a ton of experience in organisational conflict management – having sorted out an agreement on water rights between FreeFlow and Maori activists.

“Aotearoa,” I said, “It’s not called New Zealand anymore.”

“Whatever you want to fucking call it. It’s still a bolt hole, on your rabbit run from here.”


“For fuck’s sake, both of you!” Saartjie looked furious, her wrinkled brow crumpled with rage. “Enough of your white male shit! Why do you think we’re here in the first place? Do either of you know which one factor has mitigated the climate catastrophe the most, within our world?”

“Of course, I do, it’s the education and empowerment of females,” snapped Colin.

“No it’s not,” I said, “It’s the wealth curbs, taxes and redistributions, to decrease global inequalities.”

“You’re both wrong!” Saartjie rose into the air, but rocking, as the wind howled and buffeted her frame. “It’s many countries following the United Nations Directive for the world to respect and learn, from the colonised First Peoples. Colin van Deventer, as an Elder of the First People of this land, I command you to open up this facility.”

 “No!” The man spat, and the gate sizzled with his spittle.

Saartjie rose over the fence.

Colin shrugged his arms and pencil thin casings in his battle corset – and along his wrists – locked and loaded small, but no doubt deadly projectiles, with a series of clicking hisses.

“Remember Marikana,” Colin said, “Remember Harare. This bloodbath is your doing, not mine.”

Oh, shit

“No!” Saartjie shouted, pointing at the darkened sky above. “Who is this, riding in on the Wind-Storm? !ke e: /xarra //ke…” The rest of her ancient words blew away in the wind, as the old woman bobbed and tilted, battling the brutal storm bursts.

Saartjie has indeed fucking lost it.

“Alert. Invasion imminent. Aggressive defences activated.” The drone overhead began its loud hum again.

<Incoming,> warned Wormwood, in my ear.

Oh shit.

Fola was leading an advancing pincer of people – but they were bent and struggling, against the rapidly rising, almost gale like wind. But theyre not sixty anymoretheres now at least six hundred, or so?

“Foreigners! Foreigners!” blared the sky-drone; hum ratcheting up to an electronic scream.

Warbots crawled off the base of the wall, whirring tracks whining their menace. Small exit hatches creaked open along the fence.

<Not foreigners – Local volunteers, just arrived, from nearby shacks. Evictees from here. Weve got lots more casualties coming then>

Wormwood can be so fucking dispassionate! Its all going to hell, fast as fuck

I ran away.

The sky split open with a lightning flash, a peal of thunder, and a burst of rain.

The cold rain made me gasp and stopped my staggering run. Somethings shifted.

I turned and stared at the FuelCorps building, through a dizzying hail of rain. Magnify optics, Cyril.

Colin had fallen to his knees, head tilted back as he blinked into the storm above him, screaming repeatedly: “Nongqawuse! Nongqawuse! Nonggawuse!”

I knew that name from school. The fifteen-year-old umXhosa prophetess who led the Cattle Killing Rebellion against British settlers in the mid-eighteen hundred.  

The dead will arise and decolonise Africa.

Instead, the amaXhosa nation paid their price in sacrificed cattle – and mass starvation.

So, I looked up too, into the heart of the storm.

Racing grey-black clouds, sheet lightning flash – a boiling cloud at the storm’s epi-centre – was that a human, for the barest of moments; swirling into focus, then gone, as rain sleeted down from her belly?

FuelCorps drones dropped like stunned flies from the sky.

Warbots pouring through exit holes stopped in their tracks.


Slowly, the building gate clanked open, its’ lock disarmed.

Rain poured, like drops of cold lead, as Colin stood and staggered to the gate, waving us in with a drenched and defeated air.

The storm thundered its way north.

<Hottentotsgod sent me a message. Two words: No blood.>

I had not trusted Saartjie. Instead, I had broken – and run.

I stepped aside to let Fola lead the others in, to embrace Saartjie, who had landed safely on reclaimed Afrixan soil.


Saartjie dropped to the wet sand and wiggled her bum into a small sunken spot, digging her palms with obvious delight into the sand, to let the damp grains trickle messily between her splayed fingers.

She gave a little squeal of delight and patted the ground next to her.

“Sit, Mister Mason.”

I sat down carefully next to her, cross-legged, but with slow and stiff difficulty.

She gave me a faintly disapproving look. “Come on Graham, take your battered boots off for God’s sake and feel the sand between your toes.”

So I did.

My toes were bruised blue, with blood crusted from a heel blister on my left foot. The sand soothed them, as I shuffled them deeper into the soil.

And then I cried.

And cried.

And cried.

“…Sorry,” I managed eventually.

She patted my knee. “You’ve been on this beach before, haven’t you?”

Dumbly, I nodded. Walking the dogs, with mom and dad, every Sunday, for many years, growing up here. Then they died, while I was away earning foreign wealth, unable to come home to bury them, in the Pandemic of ’43.

“So have I,” she said. “Well, my ancestors actually, for thousands of years, before the Dutch arrived and hunted us. They called us the Strandlopers, the Beach Walkers, as if that were all we did.”

“A journey full circle,” I said.

She smiled – seemingly a little slowly and sadly? – as she played with the sand between her fingers again. “I see both of your feet are firmly planted here and where they belong, soutie.”

I laughed, but the laughter racked my chest painfully.

Some of the Keepers frolicked happily in the shallows. The tide was coming in and I caught a bracing stench of fresh seaweed.

“Do you know why I accepted you for this mission?” 

“I think so,” I said. “I’m mostly a decent conflict negotiator – when I’m not thinking of running away.”

“No,” she smiled, “Your ex-wife Lizzie recommended you to me. She told me you’re rough around the edges, but still willing to learn and help. You know what she spent years learning, of course, so that she could speak with so many more of us?”

I nodded, “isiZulu.” It had looked too hard, so I had let Lizette get on with it, alone, alongside her online class.   

“Yebo. If you cannot understand our languages, you cannot hear us… What is that mountain over there?” 

“Table Mountain,” I said, without thinking.

She shook her head. “The Hoerikwaggo. The Mountains of the Sea. As for me, I am tired of swearing and shouting, just to be heard by others. Now, I would just speak the language of my birth, quietly, with my family.”

She gave a hand signal and Fola stood next to us, her knobkierie trailing in the sand.

I am dismissed.

Saartjie kicked the nearby hover-frame gently, with her left foot.

“This machine has carried me far, but it has killed me too. I am too old to manage such a thing, for so long, with my brain-friend, Hottentotsgod. I have nothing left in me. My work is done. I sit where I will be buried, for this is the beach I would walk — soon, along with my ancestors and with much lighter legs, at last.”

Saartjie kissed her fingers and touched my forehead. 

“Goodbye Mister Mason. Keep learning. You’re still a young man.”

Stunned, I staggered up to standing, battered boots in hand.

Saartjie signalled Fola to sit, whilst still fanning sand between her fingers. 

This time, my tears were quiet.

I bowed and left.


So they buried Saartjie Baartman on Muizenberg Beach.

Here, in time, she will walk.

Saartjie Baartman: the so-called Hottentot Venus.

Saartjie Baartman: Earth-Keeper, Afrixan Warrior.

Saartjie Baartman: Beach Walker.

     As for me, I began the walk northwards towards the Marina da Gama. Wet bandages flapped loose above my boots and the grit of sand against my heel and soul grated painfully, but I walked on.

     I am alive, even though Im rough and ready. Trust Lizzie.

     In my right pocket, I caressed seeds Saartjie had given me, when she found me waiting alone, outside the FuelCorps gate. My mission now? I will plant these seeds near the house I grew up in, and talk to whomever might be there, even if they are ghosts.

     The sun disappeared westward, behind the Hoerikwaggo spine to my left, while the south-easter dropped to a cool whisper through the trees.


Of course. What else would the wind say?


Here, Africa begins.

What was that phrase Lizzie, my ex-wife had mentioned, while learning isiZulu, which many traditional storytellers had apparently used, down through the ages?

Ah yes, cosi cosi iyaphela.

A small white e-car stopped next to me and hooted, window opening. Colin van Deventer sat in the passenger seat of the self-driving car and thumb gestured to me that there was space behind him. “Hey boet, you want a lift?”

I opened the door and got in.

We are indeed all brothers and sisters, on this fragile Earth.

VryGrond, Camissa, November 2053.


Representing Sara Baartman in the New Millennium – Zoë Wicomb and Desiree Lewis (2021) in Surfacing: On Being Black & Feminist in South Africa, Wits University Press.

Nick Wood is a Zambian born, disabled South African (naturalised) clinical psychologist and SF writer with over two dozen short stories published variously (Collected in LEARNING MONKEY AND CROCODILE, 2019), as well as a novella in South Africa (Young Africa Series): THE STONE CHAMELEON (2004). His debut SF novel is AZANIAN BRIDGES (2016) and his follow-up is the African SolarPunk novel WATER MUST FALL (2020).

ODUDU’S GAMBIT – Albert Nkereuwem

Albert Nkereuwem
Albert Nwereuwem is 24-year-old Nigerian writer and final year student of Dentistry in the University of Calabar. His stories explore varying themes through the lens of Science-fiction, Fantasy and Thriller set in Nigeria.



I stand in the heat of Calabar, soaked from head to toe. Calabar’s sun is definitely different from the rest of the country. Even inside the Calabar sun, Watt Market sun is something else. Small Bend down select that I came to do, I have already been splashed water by a car and stuck my shoe in muddy water. I fucking hate this town. Contrary to popular belief, nothing exciting happens here, and for the past five years I have watched this “city” die a slow, painful death. Every day, I stare at the faces of the people who went about the entire year with their happiness in sealed bottles, waiting to ingest it all in one lethal dose for Calabar Carnival in December.

I walk past the stalls filled with people peddling their wares and into the shade of a jam-packed ‘shopping complex’. Watt market was not built with ease of movement in mind, so every time somebody bumps into me, I have to check for my balls because I don’t want to trend for the wrong reason on Beyoncé’s internet.

I also have to dodge the traders. A man in a black mesh singlet and jeans grabs my hand “Fine boy! I have your chinos here!” He says in an exaggerated accent; how this man got my chinos trousers from my wardrobe, I do not know. I shrug him off.

Markets are always like this, chaotic and filled with people grabbing you and trying to get you to buy their wares. That’s why I try to avoid markets altogether. But this particular trip was totally unavoidable. I have come to try get some new shirts for school and I immediately realise upon arrival that this is a mistake and I need to leave. I am trying to walk through the complex and get to the other side of the market and avoid the sunlight but these people do not know that.

As I approach the exit of the complex, I spot an ornament retailer; you know those ones that sell cheap watches, earrings and necklaces that fade and leave you wearing rust on your neck? That sort of guy. Thing is, although I know not to buy them because they’ll fade, sometimes something catches my eye and I simply cannot resist. “Chairman, come and buy, stop shining eye,” He says.

I look up at the guy; his accent and dressing indicate he is a Hausa man. His smile reveals an inlay on his upper anterior incisor and when he gestures to his jewellery, multiple wristwatches glisten on his forearms.

“Why, though?”

“The things are fine. You sef see am na,” He says in chopped pidgin English as he unlocks the small glass window, unveiling his box of ornaments. I look down at the assortment of jewellery and he insists I pick a bracelet; a silver bracelet with gold Versace logos; obviously fake, but that one is not my business. The thing is fine, so I pick it. “They are two, oga,” He says, pointing out a second bracelet “For your madam na.”

“I cannot afford it please,” I reply.

“Oya give me one thousand five hundred for the two, shikena.”

I look into my wallet and see that it is remaining 1500 minus my transport.

This guy, I think to myself. My future girlfriend will like the bracelet.

“Try am,” He says as I stand contemplating the financial implication. I put on mine and he is right; the drip is effortless. I turn to tell him he’s right and there is absolutely no one there.

No stall with bracelets. No Hausa jeweller. Nothing.


I look at my wrist and sure enough, the bracelet is there. The second bracelet is still in my hand as well. I ask the closest shop owner if he saw any ornament seller standing there. “Oga, please if you are not buying joggers please don’t block my business.” The man does not even look up from his mounds of clothes.


The thing is, I like free things. As I put on the second bracelet, both of them tighten on my wrists and I feel two sharp pricks on both hands. Both bracelets have turned black and, suddenly, I am drawn back to reality by the shouts of people all around me. The joggers seller sef has abandoned his business and run out. As the Nigerian I am, I follow them and run, make e no cause fight. I emerge from the shopping complex and it is dark out. I know it is still high noon so I’m unsure of what I’m looking at. I look up and search for the Calabar sun. I feel the hair on my arms stand as dread sinks into my stomach.

“Blood of Jesus!” A woman with half-done braids cries out next to me.

In the sky above, a flying structure has completely blocked the sun. It looks like a massive, metal, floating spider, with multiple legs pushing through, as if it is walking in the sky. A loud rumble goes through the entire area. I grab a wall as the ground shakes.

Every instinct in me flees, leaving only fear.

“What the hell is that?”

That would be an Ufeni warship” a calm male voice says. I turn and the voice isn’t from anyone by my side. People push past me, trying to get to safety. Warship? In Calabar? Wetin come dey happen like this “Who are you abeg?” I wonder if other people can hear the voice as they rush past. Or is it just in my head?

The voice within my head is clear, despite all the chaos around me. “Abeg: I do not have that term in my database,” the voice says “Subject name: Joel Odudu. Twenty-two years old. Nigerian.”

“I did not ask for my own name oh!” I mumble feebly, as I  feel my heart thumping against my chest.

The bracelets glow and hum gently. “I have no name; my only purpose is to serve the wielder of Irkang.” the voice replies.

“Which one is Irkang again?” I’m running away from the danger, though it is not possible to be honest. “How fast do I have to run, to get away for god’s sake?”

The bracelet glows “The ship is exerting an artificial gravitational pull about 8.2% that of Earth’s,” The voice said, “your chances of escaping are currently at 14%.”

I stumble and quickly regain my footing.  10%.” The voice says, devoid of emotion.


Fuck.” the bracelets shift to a deep purple.

“I was not talking to you!” I blink rapidly, trying to process everything. Around me, people keep running, though from what I observe, the voice in my head is right. That “warship” is so big that everything around it is being drawn upwards. One of the police officers who is running with us (I don’t blame him sha; me I would’ve been pushing people away) is skewered by a rising iron rod. The entire scenery is every alien invasion movie, but this is not New York. Do the invaders know that? I look up at everything being pulled towards the core of the warship, its shadow looming over us.

I need to keep moving. Get to safety Jo.

Ufen will consume everything, incorporating all into itself, such is its purpose,” the voice reiterates. My mind races through the possibilities and I have to decide if having a voice in my head offering me information on supposedly alien technology is now normal.

“Oh Abasi mmi!” my voice comes out as a deep screech as I’m yanked off my feet and being pulled upwards to the ship. I grab an iron fence post and hold on as tight as I can. I know that if I am pulled up, I will die in the onslaught. “Why, Calabar?” I shout over the sound of a bus crashing into the walkover bridge.

It knows the gauntlets are down here somewhere. So, it will decimate all, living or non-living, till it gains that which it seeks,” The voice explains as I helplessly watch people not yet in the range of Ufen’s pull scream for help that will not come. Nigeria is not equipped to handle potholes, not to talk of an earthquake or a disaster of this magnitude…

“Help please!” I cry. The pull is getting stronger and I know it is only a matter of time till I am drawn up.

“Hold on!” A woman shouts at her child, too weak to hold anything. She lunges for the girl and grabs on tight. They will probably die before they reach the ship. I watch as flying shrapnel tears through them, unable to look away.

May I recommend Manoeuvre forty-seven? The casualties may not be averted but the ship will be neutralized.”

“Who is doing the manoeuvre?!”

The voice hesitates, as if trying to understand me. I am losing my grip on the rod. The white light on the bracelet throbs gently, as if it is waiting for something. “Irkang.” It replies.

I draw in a deep breath and exhale, trying to slow my breathing. I do not know what will happen, but I know I need to survive to find out. “Do it!”

 The voice does not respond. I watch as humans get hit by higher, faster rising projectiles as they are pulled up by the warship. What is all this? How does so much chaos replace an otherwise uneventful year in the calmest city?

Finally, slick with my sweat, the rod gives, and I am pulled up. In retrospect, I could have done more with my life than be a mere passenger but, na so we see am.

“Engaging in three… two…one.” The air hums and the bracelets around my forearms turn blood red.

There is an explosive sound, followed by a rumbling. Suddenly, the pull of the ship ceases and everything and person begins to fall. I land and taste gravel, though I scramble to my feet to the safety of what remains of the shopping complex. The people who had risen too high land with crunching sounds, some of them might survive, but for the others I cannot say. I look up and see that other ships have entered the fray. They are smaller and more mobile and launch a barrage of missiles at the ship, and looping to attack again. Debris clatters on a roof.

“Do you want to explain?” My breathing is ragged as I call out, knowing the voice will hear me.

My prime directive is to seek out a member of the resident sentient species on a planet and grant them access to Irkang; the military capabilities designed and deployed by my planet, Id’ea, to combat the invasive forces of Ufen, which are quite substantial as you can see.” The voice keeps talking as I begin to see what he’s describing. I can suddenly see the view from one of the ships in the fleet. The Ufen ship is so massive I know we cannot take it down and risk obliterating a huge part of Calabar.

 “Why are they attacking now?”

“They want the power you possess, the powers you uncloaked when you wore both onyx bracelets.”

Power? “Power? What power do I have abeg?”

The bracelets begin to grow out, till I am wearing full black metallic gauntlets. They clink as I move my fingers, reflecting sunlight. “Within each of the gauntlets lies the control over a weapon that can obliterate their entire invasive force. It is the only capability the Ufen military cannot replicate because it can only be found on Id’ea and her mirror planets, of which planet Earth is one.” I look at my hands again and then at the carnage the Ufen has dealt in just its first attack.

So much for “Nothing exciting happens in Calabar”.


Etekamba – which is the name I’ve decided to give the voice in my head – is an Artificial Intelligence Module deployed within Irkang and designed to assist whatever sentient species found on its planet of deployment in the defence against Ufen forces. When I ask who Ufen is and what they want with my planet, the AI sounds afraid, though I do not think that is possible.

“I have the logs of every planet that Ufen has attacked; some were able to defend successfully but others werent. The people and their planet were coopted into itself.”

I shudder. Ufen means suffering in ibibio. “You speak of Ufen as if it is one entity,” I ask. We are seated outside a destroyed Chicken Republic, watching the poor attempt at aid being dispersed; the few people who survived the encounter with the Ufen warship are all gathered beneath the shopping complex at the centre of the market, which should have been destroyed completely but for Etekamba’s initiation of Irkang with manoeuvre forty-seven. The ships, all unmanned, fired their weapons at the lone Ufen ship and a secondary group flew beneath, reducing the ship’s debris to limit the impact areas of their crashes. I look at the bodies strewn on the floor, covered in varied clothes and know that though it is not my fault, it cannot happen again.

Ufen is a single entity, spanning whole galaxies lightyears away. At the pinnacle of Id’ean technological advancements, we sought to expand even further than our own world. Id’ea created an unmanned exploratory force, controlled by an artificial intelligence module and sent it to Ufen, our uninhabited sister planet, to test its viability.” As Etekamba speaks a soothing feeling courses through my veins, and the voice pauses to inform me that Irkang is releasing a number of chemicals to heal my body and preserve its host. Then it continues.

It was infected by a techno-organic parasite on the planet and, with the exploratory mechanisms of the Id’ean machines, it began to absorb the entire planet Ufen, using her core for energy.

“The Id’eans realised their mistake and tried to destroy it, but it was too late. Ufen and the Id’eans have been at war with each other since then, and that war has finally gotten to your galaxy.”

I ask what we have that Ufen wants. “Surely it has already found it?”

“Ehn?” One woman on my left in a faded ‘Adieu Papa’ shirt responds, thinking I’m talking to her. I apologise and point to my right ear and mouth ‘phone call’. She returns to pouring water on her bleeding forearm and I walk away from her as Etekamba responds.

“Not quite. Although it has come close to finding it, hundreds of times,” it says “Ufen yearns for expansion, to envelope all life, till it is all that exists in the universe. It lacks the technology and the power for this endeavour, and absorbing the Id’ean planet would have been enough. After years of war, near the demise of their civilisation, the Id’eans also discovered that the core of their planet possessed energy they could have harvested and used to decimate Ufen, but they were too late; their planet was dying and the energy wouldn’t be enough to kill Ufen off completely. So, they created Irkang.”

“So, basically, you’re like Siri for a world-killing drone militia?”

Siri” the bracelet hums as Etekamba searches the term. “That is correct.” it says, as the base of the gauntlet flows out in liquid form and covers my arm injuries “The Id’eans knew Ufen would outlast their civilisation and inadvertently win the war, spreading to galaxies ill-equipped to stop it. Between Irkang and the crimson core of their mirror planets in each galaxy, they gave their mirrors a fighting chance. This was what you of Earth would call a double-edged sword, as Ufen absorbing Irkang would spell the end of all life in the universe.

“So why don’t you just use the tech and defeat it?” I ask Etekamba. I have not felt as healed up and strong as I feel at this moment.

Irkang has preset techniques and manoeuvres but it still relies on the sentient species to render an air of unpredictability to its combat potential.”

“Makes sense.”

“Though Ufen has conquered and absorbed other Id’ea mirrors, it still does not know how to use Irkang’s destructive power, because it has never absorbed the gauntlets, so the weapons are merely scrap metal.

I look at all that has happened. The destruction must not be repeated.

“Etekamba, you need to hide Irkang till we’re ready to retaliate.”

Fathers. Mothers. Brothers. Sisters. I know I cannot let Ufen take Calabar. We have carnival this December.


The bracelet lights up “Present.”

“Teach me everything.”

I spend the next twelve hours having information speedily uploaded into my brain. It is the most painful process I’ve had to experience in my life and Etekamba says we have to do this constantly for as long as we can. “The knowledge available to you is from countless battles between Ufen and other users of Irkang in galaxies you have never even heard of.” It says during the upload. According to it, our universe is, at its core, repetitive, with the same sequences of stars and planetary forms occurring billions of light years apart. Ufen realised that and knew if it developed light-speed capabilities, other planets with crimson cores could be harvested and it would truly be unstoppable. Its Ide’an creators also came to the same conclusion and resolved to stop it in every conceivable galaxy; their way of fixing their mistake.

All around the world, countries were preparing for war. No one knew that Etekamba and I had stopped the first onslaught, but they were bent on defending themselves. I wish I could tell them their weapons would not work in this fight; Ufen has warred against planets that had gained nuclear capabilities and lost initial engagements, then it developed countermeasures and won in subsequent battles. How did Ufen defeat all those planets?

I was not ready to face it again, but I had no choice. I’d have lived out a mundane life and died, but the universe brought me war. “Etekamba?”

The bracelets come alive “Present.”

“We need to send a message to all the world powers, letting them know I will handle the threat personally.”

There is currently an emergency G20 summit being held.”

“Perfect. How fast can I get there?” I ask

An hour at top speed.”

“Send me a ship now.”

Etekamba gets me to Greenwich, England in exactly one hour. I had wondered how I’d get into the summit, but my ship flew through what is considered the most surveilled airspace in the world without triggering any of their surface-to-air missiles and when you arrive in a stealth ship more advanced than anything the global military divisions possess, it earns you much-needed attention. I am tickled, yet struggling not to be overwhelmed by the fact that I am now standing before the leaders of twenty of the world’s most powerful countries. They believe they have the military powers to face up to this threat, but here I am, informing them that I am the only one in possession of the powers and technology that can save the entire world. The looks on their faces range from disbelief to anger at the vim I show. Etekamba feeds me information on every leader before me. “What is your name?” A handsome man, clearly the Prime Minister of my future country, Canada, asks.
I have repeated my name at their many security clearances but I answer him “Joel Odudu.”
“How old are you?” The British prime minister is trying to remain calm, but his rapidly reddening skin, and the fact he is shaking as he tries to drink his water, give him away

“Twenty-two, sir.”.

“Where are you from, young man?” The German Chancellor asks.

“Nigeria, ma.” I reply.

They all laugh, amused at the audacity of an individual from a country in West Africa claiming he can save them all, despite their bombs, their jets and their guns. Their arrogance is annoying. Unfortunately, I cannot tell them that Etekamba’s uploads have shown me that in the mirror planet Id’ea, the centre of power is Charias, a region in West Africa.

“Well, I have said what I travelled here to say. It will be best if you focus on keeping your citizens safe.” I link with some drone ships in the fleet and will them to rise from the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, the closest of the ships to them. “I know it seems like an absurd request but you will only make things worse for us all if you don’t comply.”

Their aides are informing them currently of a group of about thirty ships in the air above our location.

“Those ships are all mine. I stopped the first attack and I believe we can end this threat permanently if you let me do this.”

There are cries of outrage at my actions, but they all know I am right. I possess Irkang and the knowledge of its power. “Ufen wants our planet’s core,” I tell them,

“It wants our lands and our waters. I will not let it happen.”

The head of the G20 summit calls for deliberations. But I sense Etekamba’s systems go into alert. Something is wrong. I cannot speak on the podium so I concentrate and connect to it. Etekamba?

Its voice rings out in my head, “Present.”

What is happening? I clench the podium in anticipation of Etekamba’s reply.

Ufen is coming. My deep space scanners detect an entity as large as planet earth’s moon just beyond Jupiter, headed for Earth.” As it shows me the images from the scanners relay, I feel hair lifting on my arms.

That is much larger than the first ship they sent, right? Also, how long till it gets here?

“Will that information increase your stress levels?” It replies.

This computer will not focus on saving lives, e wan form Psychologist now.

Yes. It will, I think in response, answer me, abeg.

This capital ship is at least five times larger.” Etekamba’s voice is noticeably heavier.

I take a deep breath.

How much of Irkang can I handle without damaging my brain?

The AI pauses, likely analysing my brain. I cannot see the bracelets, but I feel them gently vibrating on my forearms. “The accelerants and all the information have improved your cognition and processing abilities. I believe in a week you will be able to control Irkang completely, Mr. Odudu.”

Now it uses my name.

Do one more thing for me. I need these people to understand. They need to see Ufen.

Etekamba projects a hologram of Ufen. The ship looms, large even in this scaled holographic image. Its tendrils swirl as it pushes through the void of space, towards Earth. Towards us.

 Fear radiates through the hall.

I address the world leaders “Ufen is larger than you all can handle,” I point to the holo, “let me stop this or we will all die.” My voice borders on desperation.

“What if you fail?” The Japanese Prime Minister asks. He waits for his translator to inform me, but Etekamba has already translated.

“I will not fail sir,” I reply him in perfect Japanese.

The world leaders do not say anything, but their fear is palpable; they have never faced a threat of this magnitude and no number of missiles prepares you for a nearly unstoppable force. They will not stop me.

This time I speak so they can hear me “Etekamba, give me everything we have.”


When the initial excitement wears off, I am drenched in fear. The worst thing is the loneliness. Every so often I am pushed to ask myself: How did I get here?

A week after my meeting with the world leaders, I stand on the bridge of a space vessel; the vastness of space screams how little I am in comparison to its endlessness.

But I am inconsequential no longer; what I do here decides the fate of humanity. The journey up to my fleet, positioned a thousand kilometres over the planet, had been disorienting, but it meant when I looked back I saw all that I was fighting for; a blue ball filled with families who hoped to see the next sunrise. This is without a doubt, not the future I envisioned for myself; I am the general of an army that will take my thoughts as its orders and execute them to perfection.

With the information I’ve received from Etekamba’s database, it becomes clear to me how truly poetic combat in space is; the fluidity of the motions of the ships in the soundless void (No pew pew here). I watch as the force that is Ufen crosses the blackness between us to face me, as it probably has countless times since its birth. I’d watched other people do it; other humanoid races who existed in Earth’s other mirrors. Some had been victorious, though upon a second attack, Ufen defeated them swiftly and efficiently. I tried to learn from the losses of the now extinct planets, undoubtedly now a part of Ufen.

But nothing prepares me for the real deal.

Etekamba had not said anything since I started my journey. He’d told me if another had worn the second bracelet, I would have had a co-pilot on this journey. I know that I would have gifted the bracelet to a loved one and put them in the danger I now see before me. I look at the gauntlets, spread fully out of the bracelets and on my hands. I take a deep breath “Etekamba, can I get some music?”

Etekamba’s voice comes from the ship’s speakers “I can link to your phone. Will that work?

“Thank you.”

The greatest threat to an overwhelming power is usually miscommunication. Unfortunately, Ufen did not have that problem; it is one entity and can deploy its forces where and when it deems necessary. Irkang was an efficient countermeasure. I needed to be fast and flexible, using my ships as a swarm rather than a massive hammer. My view was at the back of my fleet; my ship was a swift skimmer; I needed the larger destroyers for later.

I looked through my scanners at Ufen. The mother ship released thousands of smaller vessels as I nodded to the beats of Prettyboy D-O’s Dem go hear Wehn, which translates to… there’s actually no easy way to explain.

I deploy a quarter of my ships. They swarm in small squadrons through the neutral field between my ships and Ufen, all fitted with weapons powerful enough to pierce through Ufen-metal. Irkang was designed solely for the purpose of destroying Ufen and preventing it from consuming planet cores, but Ufen did not expect resistance, especially on a mirror planet so far from Id’ea. I had to overshoot its estimate of human insanity and show him how little it understands us. I peel off a quarter of the ships hurtling at the Ufen ships from my main force and direct them to attack the southern edge where Etekamba informed me the Ufen fleet have their weak spot, their engines. “Etekamba, increase thruster outputs to eighty per cent.”

 Ufen lurches into motion and the distance between the fleet and my ships erupts with missiles and long-range projectiles. I see that Ufen tilted the side of about sixty of its ships to face the incoming ships I deployed to attack their south pole. They release a volley of railgun munition – a few thousand guns go off at once.

Metal shreds. The smaller ships – mine – are all but damaged.

Ufen is fast. But I needed to be sure…

I know what it wants. I know Ufen wants me captured so it can take Irkang and finally learn to harvest cores. With the knowledge it gains from Irkang, it can produce world killers – the same kind of weapons I planned on using now; mirrors would no longer even win their first battle.

“Etekamba, now we know what we need to do, abi?”

Indeed,” Etekamba says “Initiating countermeasures.”

“Launch my destroyers. We go at it now.”

The two-thirds of my largest ships left in closing distance to Ufen fire their missiles. Ideally, two missiles would not be enough to harm Ufen, but these were the Id’ean’s trump cards. World-killers launched at the Ufen ships. These missiles were nearly undetectable, as their exterior was made from Ufen metals. An explosion rocked the left flank of Ufen’s defensive fleet, leaving a gaping hole that it was struggling to close.

“Railguns Now!” Etekamba fires twelve railgun rounds, made from the scrap metal in Irkang’s forge. Three get through before Ufen succeeds in closing the gap and the mother ship is hit.


Ufen doesn’t relent though. It launches more ships, smaller than the other Ufen ships, but still sizeable. They do not hesitate and deploy hundreds of missiles, shredding the entire frontline of my ships.

“Hold steady,” I mutter a silent prayer. Hold steady!!

“Etekamba, how far off am I?” I bite my lower lip; the speed is jarring. Usually, astronauts train for months to acclimatise to the force, but I’ve only had a few days.

“Considering the slingshot of the planet’s trajectory. You should be engaging Ufen in ten minutes.”

“How fast are we going?” I feel the food in my system lurching about.

Mach Seven,” it replies, which is over eight thousand kilometres per hour. I think of the people on my home planet, all relying on me to win this conflict.  We need more “Maximum velocity, Etekamba! Launch missiles.”

Those are the last missiles in the fleet,” Etekamba informs me.

“I know that!”

The missiles are launched and the attack I executed earlier is repeated. In all other conflicts against the mirror planets, Ufen was met with an all-out assault with all their rare core missiles. They would decimate its initial force and it would attack again in a few weeks with a stronger force and defeat the planet. The Praetors would destroy the gauntlets to keep Irkang’s power from It. Cycle repeats. Being a machine, it anticipated that all its opponents would attack the same way.

So, while I make Etekamba simulate my manoeuvres and make them believable, I am on another mission. This machine-idiot definitely does not expect this.

I arrive on the Ufen capital ship, with no form of defence or even any activity.

This is the day that the Lord has made.

“How are things on your front, Etekamba?”

“I have held off on the attack and focused on the defensive.” Etekamba says “Ufen is as you predicted, inactive in its secondary position.”

“Launch the Atlantic regiment,” I order. Ufen’s secondary forces are one hundred million kilometres from the mirror planet, inactive and waiting for information from its failed onslaught to turn the tide of the battle. At our current rotation and revolution that places it just behind Mars, caught in the red planet’s gravity. I launch all six missiles at it, followed by a week’s worth of mined rail rounds. I watch as every missile in the ships I’d taken from Earth four days prior lays west to the second, defenceless Ufen capital ship. I stare in awe at the capabilities of the missiles at first but I know the job isn’t done.

“Etekamba, how is it looking?” I ask.

The Atlantic regiment is primed, Master Odudu.”

I watch from Mars as my last ships rise from the ocean floor where Ibeno beach meets the Atlantic Ocean and fly straight up into the engagement. Etekamba is to fly them straight into the Ufeni fleet, with their reactors set to overheat. The destruction unfolds as predicted in the simulation. The strike sets off a series of reactions that end with the parasite dead.

Maybe if Ufen had left Calabar alone, it might have stood a chance; that was its first mistake. Much as I hate the damn place, it is home.

Checkmate, Unam ikot.

Albert Nwereuwem is 24-year-old Nigerian writer and final year student of Dentistry in the University of Calabar. His stories explore varying themes through the lens of Science-fiction, Fantasy and Thriller set in Nigeria. 

INHABITERS – Kingsley Okpii


“Can you smell them?” Nguru asked his daughter, Anya, as they both crouched in the belly of the Ishike forest.

“Don’t make a sound. Just do as I do,” He crawled on his belly, moving surreptitiously in the undergrowth, and Anya followed closely behind. Soundlessly, they crept up on a young man, no more than thirteen years old, as he took a bath in the stream a few yards ahead of them. Nguru signalled halt with a clenched fist, and they stopped moving. He gave a knife carved from stone to Anya, “Hold his image in your mind as you cut,” he said.

Anya took the knife in hand, and peering intently at the unsuspecting bathing boy, she drew blood with its sharp edge, tracing a diagonal line across her palm, then she clenched her fist, as if trying to prevent her blood from spilling onto the earth. She recited an incantation under her breath, and as a drop of blood escaped her grip and touched the floor, the boy dropped into the stream, motionless, lifeless.

“Quick, let’s collect him before his people come searching for him,” Nguru said, and together they collected the young man’s body from the stream.


Back in the village, women and children cheered as Nguru and Anya returned, pulling the boy’s body in a wooden cart behind them. Shouts of praise filled the earthen streets, and the village was ripe for a celebration. Boys, no older than the deceased, relieved Nguru and Anya of the cart, dragging it to the village square where everyone was gathering.

“Two moons ago, Nguru informed me that your blood juju had awoken, and today you present us with your first kill. You are indeed the daughter of Nguru, descendant of the strongest hunters in all of Aro,” The dibia, chief priest of the high god, Chukwu, said. Anya stood in the village square, encircled by the denizens of Aro, her first kill on the earth next to her feet, a young man whom for all the world looked to be asleep, his brown skin an unbroken sheet covering him from head to toe.

The chief priest circled the dead man three times, inspecting his body with discerning eyes. “You,” he pointed at two young men in the crowd, “turn the body over,” he commanded, and they hurriedly flipped the dead body onto its abdomen, and the dibia continued his inspection. “You killed a great one, my child,” he said to Anya. He pointed to a cluster of birthmarks on the dead boy’s right heel, and then to another cluster on his left heel, “you felled a twelfth generation Inhabiter on your first hunt,” he said. And then he repeated for all of the crowd to hear, “Anya, daughter of Nguru has felled a twelfth generation Inhabiter.” The crowd erupted with praises for Anya.

“You have the blessings of twelve mothers,” the dibia blessed Anya. He pressed his thumb into the earth and traced the Nsibiri symbol of hunter on Anya’s forehead, and so dubbed her a hunter of Aro. He then raised both his hands in a gesture to calm the ecstatic crowd.

“It is good we remember why we do what we do, why our traditions and customs exist, for it is with the past that the future is forged,” the dibia said. “Mazi Onwuka, eldest of the ndi ichie, will remind us of our history. Let the young among us know that we are not barbarians who kill for sport. Let them know that although we celebrate the death of the Inhabiters, we also mourn the loss of our children, for it was our mothers who bore them.”

Mazi Onwuka, a wizened man with hair the colour of chalk, walked to the middle of the gathering, one slow step at a time, supported by his oaken walking stick which towered over his bent frame. He became the cynosure of the gathering as all voices fell silent, even the birds stopped singing in anticipation of his speech.

Umu Aro, ka wo!” Mazi Onwuka greeted the crowd, and they responded with a guttural hum in unison. Then, as if infused with unseen strength, Mazi Onwuka straightened his curved back and began to narrate the history of Aro.

“In the beginning, we were prosperous in all that we did. We had the blessings of our father, Chukwu, and our mother, Ani. Our women birthed strong sons and daughters. The first of us lived for hundreds of years without the faintest sign of ageing, and we continued so until our women began to birth children who died soon after delivery, only to be reborn again and again. These children who sped through the cycle of life and death as if in haste to complete a marathon, are who we call the Inhabiters, because they are evil spirits who inhabit the wombs of our women. In those early days, it was common for a woman to give birth to the same child seven times.

“Then the Inhabiters started to survive into early teenage years, and at the same time our people started to die young, such that it became a feat to live up to a hundred years, where before you were considered young at two hundred. With the Inhabiters came sickness and ageing, and this led to the Cleansing which saw umu Aro slaughter every last one of the inhabiters, who were easy to identify by their unique birthmarks which numbered as many as the number of times each Inhabiter had been reborn. Sadly, the Cleansing did nothing to reverse the changes that had occurred to umu Aro, and nine moons later, four-hundred inhabiters were reborn to the women of Aro, costing the lives of half the mothers during childbirth.

“Women lived in fear of catching the Inhabiters disease, a nine-moon long gestation leading to the birth of a sickly child who died in childhood, only to then be reborn again. This fear persisted for years until Nwagha, the first man in whom blood juju was awoken, saved us. Nwagha used his juju to sever the link between an Inhabiter and the cycle of life and death, preventing the Inhabiter from being reborn. Blood juju continued to awaken in Nwagha’s descendants, who carry out the sacred duty of ridding Aro of the Inhabiters.

“Today, we celebrate the latest descendant of Nwagha, Anya, daughter of Nguru, who has joined the ranks of the great hunters of Aro,” Mazi Onwuka ended, returning to his feeble self, his back regaining its curvature as he walked, supported by his staff, back to his seat within the crowd.

  “This is our history,” the chief priest said, and the crowd chorused, “this is our history.” Drumbeats erupted and the air was again charged with the feeling of festivity. Gourds of palm wine passed between hands, food was shared among the villagers who celebrated until the moon was high up the sky before retiring to their homes.


The hunters of Aro gathered under darkness of early morning in the village square, hours before what was planned to be a re-enactment of the Cleansing, only this time, with their blood juju they would ensure the Inhabiters were never reborn. Dike, the leader of the pack, stood encircled by other hunters as they made plans to raid the Ishike forest, where Inhabiters were cast away to live out their short lives.

“In pairs we will flank their huts, remaining unseen in the bushes. Anya, you will pair up with your father, Nguru—” Dike laid out the strategy. “Today we wrest our fate from the Inhabiters once and for all. Today we avenge our mothers!” Dike said, and the hunters cheered. “We attack at first light,” he added. Most had bags, which held knives and varied other charms, slung across their chest. Anya was one of two women who were hunters, the other was Nneka, a middle-aged woman who a decade ago had birthed an Inhabiter. Nneka, whose blood juju had not awoken at the time, did not have the courage to end her child’s life, instead, under the cover of darkness, she had stolen to Ishike forest to hand over the child to the Inhabiters that called the forest home.

At first light, the hunters surrounded the Inhabiters as they lay asleep in their huts. An Inhabiter, a young girl, no more than seven years old, exited a hut, and as soon as she was within the sights of the hunters, she dropped to the floor, lifeless. Dike had taken the first kill, his prerogative as leader of the hunt. The hunters killed any Inhabiter that had awoken from their night sleep and had the misfortune of stepping out of their huts. Soon, cries rent the morning air, as other Inhabiters discovered the bodies of their fallen.

Anya had been unable to make a kill since the siege began. As soon as she picked out an Inhabiter to attack, she soon found that he was already dead, slain by one of the other hunters. Then she heard a scream from the bushes. Nguru heard it too, and they turned to look. As they turned, a young man appeared from the bush behind them and plunged a dagger into Nguru’s back, driving it into his heart. Nguru let out a scream, writhed on the floor like an earthworm that had made contact with salt, and then he was still, lifeless. Anya jumped to her feet and lunged at the boy with her dagger, but he easily sidestepped and she missed. She made another attempt at stabbing the boy but was restrained by two other boys who appeared from the bushes.


On her knees, with hands restrained behind her, Anya took in the sight of her dead comrades, bodies piled in a heap, each with a dagger jutting from its back. She saw her father, his face contorted in agony, the last feeling he experienced before his death.

“We have waited for this day for a long time,” a young girl said to Anya. “I am Ada, chief of the Inhabiters, as you call us.” Ada regarded Anya as if searching for something not apparent to the naked eye. “Tie her to the udala tree, we will have words in the evening. Let us bury our dead.”

As Ada walked away, Anya saw her birthmarks, too many to count, on her heels. It explained the command Ada had in her voice; she was at least a hundred generations old.

With hands tied behind the udala tree, Ada observed the Inhabiters as they went about burying their dead. She noted how the Inhabiters, none older than early teenage years, had an air of maturity around them that could not be found among children of Aro. They talked and worked like adults, their eyes were not the eyes of children, but of elders who had seen more than their mouths could say. Most of the Inhabiters were at least seven generations old, having lived and died at least seven times, and then there was Ada, the chief, who was at least a hundred generations old, if her birthmarks were to be believed.

Nighttime soon came, and a bonfire was lit in the centre of the settlement, the fuel for the fire was some firewood and the bodies of the slain hunters. The air filled with the smell of burning flesh. Anya recoiled from the pungent smell as it permeated her nostrils and filled her lungs.

“You don’t like the smell?” Ada appeared from the other side of the fire. “Umu Aro have killed us for many years for the crime of simply existing, surely you do not expect us to honour them with a burial. Burials are sacred things reserved for the worthy. Are you worthy, Anya?”

Anya recoiled at the sound of her name. “How do you know my name?” She asked.

“There is a lot I know. Tell me, when you slew Ikefuna with your blood juju did you feel him quicken in your womb? I can hear his faint heartbeat as we speak, clamouring to join us, his people. In eight moons perhaps.”

“Why did you spare my life?” Anya asked, uninterested in Anya’s seemingly meaningless rambling.

“Soon child, soon,” Ada said.

“Let us celebrate this victory. Today, we cleansed the land of those who will see us dead in our sleep. Today, we mark the beginning of a new dawn for the Ngui,” Ada said in a raised voice to the inhabiters who were now gathered around the bonfire, and they cheered.

“For the benefit of our guest,” Ada gestured to Anya, “I will recount the history of woe that has been our lot since the beginning.” The bonfire cast an ethereal shadow of Ada that seemed to dance as she paced about telling the story of the Inhabiters.

“It is partly true as they tell it in Aro, a long time ago, women died from birthing the Ngui, as we call ourselves. Then came the sorcerer, Nwagha, who obtained the power to break the Ngui’s link to the cycle of life and death, and allow them live full lives. However, instead of breaking this link, Nwagha killed the Ngui and shut them out from the cycle of life and death completely. And so, what should have been a good thing turned into a massacre, as Nwagha and his descendants, the hunters, dedicated their lives to killing us—”

“You lie!” Anya shouted. “Why would Nwagha kill the Ngui if he could save them and the people of Aro?”

“It is because Nwagha’s mother died birthing a Ngui, as did his wife,” Ada answered. “He hated the Ngui and swore to put an end to us. He used dark juju to bind his blood to the chi of the land, and this gave him dominion over the Ngui. In exchange for this power, he gave up half of his life, and that is why till this day hunters never live past thirty years.”

“All lies! How would you know any of this?” Anya spat on the floor. “Lies!”

“I know because I was there, and every Ngui knows because we have memories from our past lives.”

Anya did not believe Ada’s account, but she knew the Inhabiters had the ability to retain the memories from their past lives, and so it was possible that Ada was telling the truth.

“Why did you not approach the hunters with this information? Why did you allow us to go on killing the Ngui? You are also to be blamed for the death of your people,” Ada said.

“You think we did not try? We tried several times, but your elders would hear no words that came out of our mouths. We were killed on sight. But all that is in the past now. Like I said, today marks a new beginning for us.”

“Why didn’t you kill me?” Anya asked.

“Because you remain unsullied by the blood of the Ngui,” Ada replied.

“That is not true. I took the life of one of your own about a moon ago.”

Ada laughed and her laughter spread through the crowd.

“His name was Ikefuna, and you did not take his life. As he bathed in the stream that day, he sensed you and your father lurking in the bushes. And just before you could use your blood juju on him, he took his own life with the aid of a poison held in his mouth. You see, Ikefuna was one among us who had the ability to choose his mother, and that day, as you rejoiced that you had made your first kill, Ikefuna took refuge in your womb. You know I do not lie. I am sure your monthly flow is late in coming this month,” Ada said.

“No! No! No!?” Anya cried, struggling against her restraints.

“I will teach you to use your power the right way, for the good of all of Aro. This is why you have been spared. This is why you are here. In eight moons, when Ikefuna is born, your training will be complete. Untie her, and let the feast begin,” Ada commanded.


The Ishike forest was brightly lit by fires from the Ngui’s celebration. Anya had been untied and had a plate of roast meat and a cup of palm wine set before her which she had not touched, too broken to eat as she was. Some Ngui danced around the large bonfire to a wonderful melody sung by the night birds of the forest. Suddenly, two dancing Ngui fell to the floor, a pool of blood collecting where arrows had punctured their chests, and then three more fell. The song of the night birds was replaced by the whirring of flying arrows and screams of injured Ngui. The celebration broke into a frenzy, as the Ngui scurried to escape with their lives.

Anya was stunned by the abrupt change in atmosphere, and as Ngui ran past her from every direction she caught sight of Ada, two younger Ngui in hand, making their way into a nearby bush. Soon, the clearing, where moments ago the Ngui danced, was emptied of all except Anya.

“Anya, is that you?” A voice called from just beyond the Ngui’s huts. Anya turned to the voice which she recognised as the chief priest’s.

“Yes, it is I,” Anya responded.

The dibia appeared from the bush together with a group of young men.

“How?” Anya asked

“I feared the Inhabiters may have bested our hunters when you did not return by noon, so, I called upon the young men of Aro, and we set out to find you people. What happened my child?” the priest asked.

Anya narrated her capture and the deaths of the hunters, but she left out Ada’s story about the Ngui and the child growing inside of her. The young men wailed at the sight of the burnt corpses, and they swore they would chase the Inhabiters to the end of Ishike forest until every last one was dead. The priest asked that they stayed their anger and return to their village.


Aro was thrown into moons of sadness and grieving following the news of the deaths of their hunters, but their resolve to wipe out the Inhabiters also intensified. The dibia and his priests set about screening all children for signs of the awakening of blood juju, in an effort to rebuild their army of hunters.

Anya had still not spoken of Ada’s revelation, and when asked, she explained that she was simply lucky to not have been killed by the Inhabiters. As the only remaining hunter in Aro, it fell to her to protect Aro from the inhabiters, especially the women as the number of Inhabiter births swelled; a consequence of the attack by men of Aro. She attended every inhabiter birth, all too willing to give the newborn babes a gift of death even as they lay connected to their mothers via their umbilical cord, and with every inhabiter Anya severed from the cycle of life and death she felt the child growing in her kick, as if expressing its disapproval of her actions. It would be several moons before she would meet this thing inside of her that dared rebel against her.


Hours before the cockcrow, on a windless harmattan night, nine moons after Anya had encountered Ikefuna, the Inhabiter whom she had thought she slew; she was thrust into the throes of childbirth. In the moons prior, when her belly had begun to grow, rumours as to the father of the child had spread across Aro. Some held that Agada, one of the younger hunters who was slain on that fateful night, was the father of her child, as he was closer to her age, and Nguru, Anya’s father was his mentor who had shown him the ways of a hunter and so, was partial to him. Still, others believed the father was a young man from a distant village, a thought they had no proof or reason to hold. The entire village speculated, but none, not even the dibia dared ask Anya who the father was.

As the pangs grew stronger and more frequent, Anya set out of the village in the dead of night without alerting any of the birthing women of Aro as to her state in fear that Ada’s words may come through and she births an inhabiter in full view of the midwives, and be forced to take his life as she had done to others before him. She wanted some time with this child she had carried for nine moons, this child that was the beginning of her life as a hunter. She chewed on the leaves of a weed she had picked days before, and this numbed her pain as she made for Ishike forest half hoping to find the inhabiters returned to their homes. Her plan was simple: if she delivered a child bearing the mark of an inhabiter, she would leave him with the inhabiters of the forest until she made up her mind about taking its life.

On getting to the forest, the inhabiters had not returned, and all she found were their deserted huts, most of which had been burnt to the ground by the people of Aro.

 She was gripped by a particularly violent pang and fell to the ground.

Anya laboured for two days, untended, in the Ishike forest. By the end of the second day, she birthed a child, a boy with caramel brown skin, unblemished, save for the birthmarks numbering ten and three on his heels. When Anya saw the marks, she knew she had birthed Ikefuna. She held him close to her bosom to quieten his cries.

A pool of blood grew around her and she felt her life ebb with its widening diameter. With what was the remainder of her life force she touched her thumb into the pool of her own blood and marked her child with the Nsibiri symbol for life. Remembering what Ada had said about how the power of a hunter should be used, she looked into her child’s eyes and severed its link to the cycle of life and death. Just then, as she felt the invisible bond break, she saw the birthmarks on his heel fade away, and it was the last thing she ever saw.


Kingsley Okpii
Kingsley Okpii lives in Leicester city, United Kingdom where he works as a doctor in the NHS. Between busy shifts, he writes Afrocentric speculative fiction. My short stories have been published on Omenana and The Kalahari Review, and Apex Magazine.

Warrior Mine – Masimba Musodza

Masimba Musodza
Masimba Musodza was born in Zimbabwe, but has lived most of his adult life in the United Kingdom. He is the author of two novels and a novella in ChiShona, his native language, and a collection of short stories in English. His short fiction has appeared in anthologies and periodicals around the world. He also writes for stage and screen. RECENT PUBLICATIONS: What Bastet Saw, Undead Press (online), 2021; Imba YaSekuru Browne ("Cousin Browne's House"), Mosi-oa-Tunya Literary Review, Zimbabwe, 2021, The Reader of Faces, Breathe Science Fiction Anthology, India, 2020; The Rapture of Pastor Agregate Makunike, Chitungwiza Musha Mukuru: An Anthology From Zimbabwe's Biggest Ghetto, Zimbabwe, 2020

      In a cold, damp cellar, under a large Victorian house in a small village near the Teesdale town of Barnard Castle, Dominic Mufuka stared down at the still form on the bed and marvelled at what can be accomplished with stolen things. He glanced appreciatively around the cellar, recalling how they had appropriated equipment from hospitals, and made new devices from scratch.

     They had worked diligently, and secretly. By day, and by night, they were Zimbabwean immigrants fleeing the political and consequent economic crisis that had engulfed the once African post-colonial showcase, doing menial jobs, living on the fringe of British society and planning to set up their own care hospital. Away from appearances, Dominic Mufuka was an obscure biotech theorist with papers that expounded on the possibility of the reanimation of dead organic matter. To his left stood Chandapihwa “Chanda” Musami (Mrs Dominic Mafuka for three years now), a victim of the glass ceiling at a few tech companies, who had privately pursued research in the transmission, storage and retrieval of data between organic matter and computer chips. To his right, Nolwandle “Nolly” Sibanda, a specialist, end-of-life care nurse. To her right, her boyfriend, Pikirayi “Banjo” Kambanje, whose previous life in the purchasing and supply department of a large Zimbabwean company had imparted the skills with which they had procured medical equipment from various institutions around the UK.

     A website and a large sign outside the house announced (quite truthfully) that a private hospital specialising in palliative care was to be set up here soon. Thus, the comings and goings of the Order of the Black Spear in this little village in the Teesdale Valley, attracted no further attention beyond casual curiosity.

     The young man who lay on the bed had the body of the Zulu king Tshaka as portrayed by Henry Cele. Necrosis had claimed some of his skin, but, if all went according to plan soon, fresh skin would replace it. His name, poetically enough, was Tichakunda Kapfumo; We-shall-conquer Little-spear. He had come from Zimbabwe as an infant with his parents. Last week, he had been stabbed in a public park in Peckham. Nothing to see here, just another victim of the knife culture among Black youth in London.

     Mufuka stared at the interface at the side of the bed, and allowed his feelings to come to the surface for a moment. This was the culmination of their work, their forays into branches of sciences that mankind had once been fascinated with, then abandoned because of ethical considerations. Dr Emmanuel Frankenstein, whose story framed such ethical considerations for posterity, might have understood their sense of triumph at this moment. “It was on a dreary night of November, that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that almost amounted to agony, I collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet,” Mufuka quoted.

     “Well, I am thinking of that American spiritualist, John Murray Spear, and his New Motive Power,” said Chanda.

     “And I am thinking of the priests of hundreds of African religions, and arcane apothecaries who know the herbal concoctions that can suspend life, those that can resurrect it, and those that can bend it to one’s will,” said Nolly.

     “On the shoulders of giants we stand,” said Banjo, taking her hand.

     Mufuka stretched a trembling hand towards the interface, and his index finger touched the icon labelled ACTIVATE. For nearly a minute, nothing happened. Then, motion agitated Tichakunda’s limbs. The eyelids quivered for a moment, then, he was staring up, his gaze keen. His breathing was mild. Apart from these actions, he was completely motionless.

“The organic equivalent of a computer reboot,” said Mufuka. “How long will it take?” It had taken days with all the animals they had experimented on.

Nolly checked her tablet. “The projection has narrowed it down to under twenty-four hours now. But that can change as more data on his vitals comes in.” The medical profession would go nuts if they learned about the programme she created, which interacted with different organs and taught the relevant parts of the brain to work them again.

“But he is alive in every sense of the word!” said Mufuka, his voice barely above a whisper. “We have achieved that much. We halted necrosis and decomposition, and reanimated organic material that had been dead!”

Jubilantly, they trooped out of the lab. The “rebooting”, as Mufuka called it, would take a while. How long that would actually be had proven impossible to predict, but Chanda was convinced it would be days before Tichakunda would even become aware that his eyes were open, or his brain receptive to their signals.

The party was in what was to be the hospital’s main office, one of the few rooms the decorators had completed. It probably should have ended with the couples pairing up and taking the party to a more intimate level, but everyone was too boozed to do more than grope their loved one as they swayed to the Ethiopian jazz all four of them could not get enough of.

The next thing Mufuka recalled was Banjo’s bearded face filling his vision. “Ticha’s gone, Dom!”

Like a seasoned warrior, Mufuka banished all sleep and the ravages of last night’s revelry with a sharp effort of will. Silently, quickly, he followed Banjo to the hidden lab in the cellar, where Chanda and Nolly stood helplessly over the now-vacant bed.

“I came to check on him as soon as I woke up,” said Chanda. “I have no idea when he got up, but he did!” She held up her tablet. “It would appear that my programme for retraining his brain will not be needed!”

“Of course it will, Chanda,” said Mufuka.

“But this disappearance shows that he is fully aware,” said Banjo. “If I woke up in a lab, I would get the hell out of there, too!”

“But we don’t know the extent of his awareness!” said Mufuka.

“We know what he is capable of,” said Chanda. “The projections….”

“You project, darling,” said Mufuka, heading towards the door. “Banjo and I are going to drive around and see if we can find him!”

Banjo grabbed several phials of the purpose-designed tranquiliser, and followed him. They drove around the country lanes for three hours and met nearly thirty people, but no one could say they had seen the young man whose picture they showed from their mobile phones. It was when a couple of hikers stared long and hard at the van that it occurred to Mufuka that it would be imprudent to have so many people recall that four strangers in a van were looking for a person no one had seen in the area before. If Tichakunda was found, and his unique abilities were apparent, someone would remember who else had looked for him.

Dejected, the four sat in the lab. The other three looked to Mufuka for ideas on the next move, he was the person most able to think on his feet. The others used the scientific method, and there was a lot of data to go through before they could imagine a solution.

“We need to get out of here,” said Mufuka.

“The house in Wales…” Banjo began.

“Out of Britain,” said Mufuka. “Do you not see what kind of a storm is coming when Takunda is found?”

“But the project, Dom,” said Nolly.

“We can continue the project somewhere else,” said Mufuka. “It is just as well that we never got to explain to Takunda why we resurrected him. That part of our secret is safe. Let’s get packing.” He rose. “Protocol 5, everyone.” 

Protocol 5 was, essentially, breaking camp and removing all traces of it. By early evening, all of the questionable equipment was boxed, ready for shipping under the auspices of a charity that supported hospitals in Zimbabwe. Banjo would travel with it, of course. The computers were taken apart and incinerated.

As the remaining three, Mufuka, Chanda and Nolly sat in the lounge, they could focus on the fact that they had lost their creation. Mufuka could see parallels with Dr Frankenstein, whose own monster had fled soon after being animated.

“Frankenstein’s creature did not run away, Dom,” Chanda reminded him. “He ran away from it first, remember. He was horrified at what he had made. Tichakunda ran away from us.”

“But he will have the same disorientation,” said Nolly. “Like Frankenstein’s creature, there will be no one to tell him who he is, what he is, and, most importantly, why.”

“We must look to the future of the project,” said Chanda. “We now know that we can reanimate a human. That is how far we have gone, technologically, and it is a giant leap.”

“And we lost our first subject!” said Mufuka. “Not only did we lose him, but we know nothing about Tichakunda at all. What his thoughts and feelings are, or, even if he has any.”

“We have his profile,” said Chanda. “And we have all the projections of how he could behave after resurrection.”

“They were based on the assumption that he would only begin to act after we had instructed him on his new purpose,” said Mufuka. “His escape changes everything.”

“I can come up with new projections,” said Chanda. “But I will need all my data.”

Shutting down the project had been the right thing to do, still, Mufuka reflected. All they could do now was hope for the best, hope that, despite the spiralling of events, time was still on their-

Nolly’s yell snapped him out of his musing. She had the remote on the TV, skipping back to about a minute, raising the volume. LONDON STABBING the headline screamed. “Police have stated that while they are taking eye-witness accounts and CCTV footage seriously, they are not in a position to comment on reports that the attacker demonstrated superhuman strength…” The inset expanded to show a young Black Londoner, the sort you saw in the area south of the Thames, who appeared to be highly distressed. “He was like Predator, fam! My man march in here and just started frowing mans against walls, walahi!” The image snapped back to the presenter, who was trying to keep a straight, professional face. “Police would also like to apologise unreservedly for issuing earlier a picture of the young man they believed to have single-handedly carried out the attack, who bears a striking resemblance to another young man who died last week in a similar episode of gang-related violence. In a statement, police said they deeply regret any distress the image would have caused to the family of Tich Kapfumo as they still mourn….”

“He’s in London!” said Mufuka.

“But, how did he get there so soon?” said Nolly. “Flagged a lift, or ran all the way?”

“Whichever, it shows that he knows what he is doing!” said Mufuka. “He is not a zombie.”

“But what about this attack?” said Chanda.

“It’s not as random as it looks,” said Mufuka. “Black youth killing Black youth has become common enough in London for the police to simply go through the motions of investigating. But we know something they don’t; Tichakunda Mapfumo is no longer an ordinary Black youth.”

“Do you think he is going after the gang that killed him?” said Chanda.

“I think if you sat down and did one of your projections, you would come to that conclusion,” said Mufuka, rising. “Come on, we must get to London at once!”

“You know where you can find him?” said Nolly.

“I have a few places in mind,” said Mufuka.

They took turns at the wheel of Chanda’s Vauxhall Astra, pulling up outside a house in Peckham at fifteen past ten. The Mapfumo family home. In the living room, the curtains were drawn, but the light peeped through the edges.

Entering a stranger’s home was easy if both the occupants and visitors were Zimbabweans. After they had exchanged formal greetings and offered their condolences to a visibly apprehensive Mr and Mrs Mapfumo, Mufuka made the introductions. “We apologise for coming this late, but that is how long it has taken us to travel from the North-East of England from the time we heard about this tragedy. Tich was a friend of my son back in Zimbabwe, they were at infant school together. You may not remember me, of course.”

The Mapfumos leaned closer at the trio, as if to get a better look. Their unease remained, however.

“The face seems familiar, sir,” said Mapfumo, politely. “I am grateful that you thought people you last saw so long ago, and so far away, were important enough to cross the country to be with at this time.”

“So far from our country, each other is all we have, you know,” said Nolly.

“The way God works….” said Mrs Mapfumo, shaking her head as if in awe of the way God works. “We bring these children to what we think is a better life for them…”

They all made sympathetic noises and intoned platitudes about the will of God. Mufuka could not shake off the notion that the Mapfumos were hiding something. Even as Mrs Mapfumo moved to rise, to see what she could do in the kitchen, their body language said they wanted their guests gone immediately.

“We shall not take too much of your time, dear parents,” said Mufuka. “If we set off now, we should be back before three.”

“As if there is any need to leave right away!” Mrs Mapfumo protested. But the relief on their faces was apparent. They stole glances at the door.

“You know, we were expecting four people from the North-East,” said Mapfumo. “Two men and two women. That can’t be you people, can it?”

“He’s here, isn’t he?” said Nolly.

“Tichakunda!” Mrs Mapfumo cried, her gaze on the door. “Come out, son!”

The door swung open slowly, and there was a mephitic waft of chemicals before Tichakunda strode in and stood in the middle of the room like a prize fighter before the match. He wore the sneakers, sagging jeans and hoodie of a typical southwest London teenager. But, there was something about his bearing, his mien, that evoked an understanding of life as it ought not to be. Maybe it was the discolouration on his face, the patches of dead skin. Mufuka wondered what else on him had failed to resurrect.

He bore down on the trio. “So, you followed me home.”

“Tichakunda, you died last week,” said Mufuka, rising to confront him. “We brought you back.” He was aware of Mrs Mapfumo crying softly in the background behind her son. “We are here to take you back to your new home. It must have been frightening when you woke up, but all will be explained.”

“Why did you bring me back?” Tichakunda asked.

Mufuka noticed then how Tichakunda’s eyes looked to a point to his right. He wondered how well he could see, if he relied on other senses besides sight.

“We want to build an army of warriors to fight for Africa’s cause,” said Nolly, rising to slowly circle Takunda. “Warriors that can take on every rebel group, every professional soldier working for every despotic regime. Warriors that would make that long-held dream of Pan Africanism a reality by being invincible to every force that challenges it.”

“Takunda, if you return with us, we could….”

Nolly’s voice trailed off as he brushed past her and made his exit. There was a stunned silence for a moment, then Mufuka led the pursuit. Outside the main entrance to the house, he looked this way and that and turned back to face his companions. “He’s gone!”

“Can we catch him if we get the car?” said Chanda.

But they all knew the answer to that.

“Do you think he understood what I told him?” Nolly wondered.

“Of course he did,” said Mufuka. “But he has places to go, people to see. That is why he came back to London. The fighting on these streets, that is his war. Africa and its problems mean little to him.”

“But we made him into this!” said Chanda, vehemently.

“Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mould me man? Did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me,” said Mufuka. “Those were the words of Frankenstein’s creature to him, quoting the words of the first man to his Creator. Takunda never asked us to bring him back any more than he asked his parents to bring him out of Africa.”

A cool breeze blew about them, carrying Mrs Mapfumo’s gentle weeping for her son into the night.


Masimba Musodza was born in Zimbabwe, but has lived most of his adult life in the United Kingdom. He is the author of two novels and a novella in ChiShona, his native language, and a collection of short stories in English. His short fiction has appeared in anthologies and periodicals around the world. He also writes for stage and screen.
RECENT PUBLICATIONS: What Bastet Saw, Undead Press (online), 2021; Imba YaSekuru Browne (“Cousin Browne’s House”), Mosi-oa-Tunya Literary Review, Zimbabwe, 2021,  
The Reader of Faces, Breathe Science Fiction Anthology, India, 2020; The Rapture of Pastor Agregate Makunike, Chitungwiza Musha Mukuru: An Anthology From Zimbabwe’s Biggest Ghetto, Zimbabwe, 2020


Michael Roch

La mer était chargée de cadavres et, ce matin, elle leur crachait au visage. Elle éclaboussait son écume jaunie chaque fois qu’un corps mort, gonflé par le sel et le soleil, heurtait la cuve à bord de laquelle le jeune Joge-O et le Docteur Ignace survivaient, depuis la tempête. L’embarcation filait droit, poussée par les vents sans trop d’hésitation, et emmenait les deux rescapés vers la liberté, vers Lanvil. Penché par-dessus bord, Joge-O vomissait ses dernières tripes.

 « On approche, » fit savoir le Docteur Ignace au énième bruit mou d’un torse qui se déforme contre la cuve ouverte, « Lanvil approche. » Ils en croisaient depuis quelques jours, des écœurés, des sans-vies, des camouflés par la houle, mais, depuis l’aurore, c’est tout l’horizon qui semblait avoir tourné de l’œil et qui vomissait le surplus des Enfers. L’océan, comme un poumon cancéreux, ne respirait plus.

Ça le prenait de plus en plus, au docteur, de fixer le large avec hâte et envie. Il parlait souvent à mi-voix, lorsque les jours passés à étouffer s’adoucissaient et avant que la nuit tombe. En réalité, il priait silencieusement Lanvil d’apparaitre enfin, et de se dévoiler vague après vague.

Aux yeux de Joge-O, le docteur conservait cet optimisme aveugle. Il ne cherchait pas vraiment le point fantomatique de l’île dans le lointain, mais il auscultait la voilure et l’ombrage qu’elle donnait à leurs corps meurtris, comme s’il était le garant de leur solidité précaire.

Mais rien ne perçait le faux plat marin, ni devant, ni autour, ni au-delà. Le large paraissait vide depuis toujours, même si les holocartes et nanoboussoles indiquaient la présence du continent, là, derrière les dernières vagues. On dit, yé krik, que les portes de Lanvil sont des crocs dressés contre le reste du monde. On dit, yé krak, que le monde entier pourrait s’y fracasser, il n’y entrerait pas, dans Lanvil, s’il ne s’en montre pas digne, s’il ne sait pas se faire humble. On dit, yé mistikrik, qu’ils sont nombreux, les indignes et les orgueilleux, les rejetés de Lanvil, et Joge-O pensait, jusqu’à ce jour, que ce n’était qu’une légende. Yé mistikrak.

Il eut encore un haut-le-cœur et essuya d’une main tremblante la bile blanche qui lui coulait du nez. Ses genoux glissèrent sur le sang qui serpentait au fond de l’embarcation.

— Nous n’entrerons pas, fit-il enfin.

— Seulement si tu nous fais dessaler.

La cuve gîta dangereusement vers les cadavres qui flottaient tout autour d’eux. Les morts bavassaient d’un clapot bruyant. Ils bavassaient tellement qu’ils en étourdissaient Joge-O, Joge-O malade, Joge-O tanguant, Joge-O dérivant, chavirant presque de son corps à moitié nu, et de son ventre vidé de douleur.

Un étau de nausée se referma sur lui ; ce n’était pas le soleil qui l’empêchait de respirer, ni les embruns acides, mais la vision horrible de ces visages délavés, et pourtant si familiers, qui se pressaient les uns contre les autres et s’embrassaient dans une danse lente et gauche. Il en avait peur. Ils tournaient sur eux-mêmes et hurlaient sous les vagues le sort funeste que Joge-O supposait et qu’il ne pouvait plus taire.

— Nous n’y arriverons pas, répéta Joge-O.

Il était épouvanté par leurs saccades, par leurs sursauts, mais quelque part près de son cœur, sa frayeur tenait plus de la douleur. Une douleur qu’on lui avait mise là, entre la cinquième côte et le poumon gauche. Une douleur qui le reliait à ces cadavres, une peine antique, partagée, démultipliée par le nombre de corps flottés. Une brûlure interne aussi étendue que l’horizon, que même les paroles du Docteur Ignace n’auraient pu apaiser.

— On dit qu’il y a un gardien devant Lanvil, chuchota ce dernier, c’est lui qui décide qui entre et qui reste à la mer. C’est lui qu’il faut guetter.

Art by Sunny Efemena

— Il ne te laissera pas entrer.

Le Docteur Ignace grimaça, la vieille bâche s’était violemment dégrafée. Elle claqua dans le vent comme une voile déchirée et fit sauter la cuve vers l’avant. Le cylindre de verre qui leur servait de radeau écrasa un corps dans le creux de la vague. La cuve était vide, vide des canaux ombilicaux et des masques à oxygène, vide de son fluide vital et de ses greffons génonutritifs, vide de ses courroies de sécurités, de ses cordons d’alimentation, de ses pertes et de ses fuites vers la mort, vide de ses premiers occupants. Le caisson pouvait contenir jusqu’à cinq corps. Ils n’étaient plus que deux à s’accrocher aux flots comme l’espoir à la vie.

Le Docteur pensait à Lanvil, à elle seule, l’île coincée au fond de son esprit comme une plaie à vif, une cicatrice qu’il gardait béante depuis que le rivage de l’autre monde lui était apparu en songe. Il ne pensait pas à ce qu’elle lui avait coûté, à ce qu’il avait dû payer pour l’approcher, à tout ce qu’il avait perdu, en vérité : ses techniciens et l’équipage, l’équipage qui tenait le navire, le navire qui abritait le laboratoire, le laboratoire qui collectait les données, les données qui repeupleraient l’Humanité.

De l’autre côté du globe, au départ de l’Océan, il ne restait qu’un désert de bombes, des poussières de villes et des routes abandonnées. Il n’y avait plus d’Humanité, que des animaux apeurés se terrant dans des bunkers surpeuplés desquels ne sortaient que des informations immatérielles, sécurisées dans des enveloppes mécaniques. Dans le silence des nuits ultra-marines, le Docteur Ignace pleurait la fin de l’Occident, démoli par un immonde repli sur lui-même. Aux questions pourquoi, et comment, il se persuadait que les réponses et la salvation viendraient de l’antipode. Il lui fallait Lanvil. Il lui fallait ce qui lui échappait encore.

Le Docteur Ignace avait gardé la barbarie ordonnée de ses idées impérialistes, l’obsession pour l’épandage de valeurs objectives, expérimentées, contrôlées, théorisées, de valeurs humaines qui siéraient à la Terre entière, si elle daignait les écouter, si elle daignait se laisser coloniser. L’Humanité, pensait-il, l’Humanité périrait dans le froid, la vérole et la torpeur, ou alors vaincrait-elle, elle fracasserait les portes de Lanvil, enrichie des routes tracées par les explorateurs modernes. Car il en était un, d’explorateur, même dans l’état auquel il était réduit.

Il voyait en Lanvil le bout du chemin, le dernier espace libre, la continuité vierge de toute impureté, loin de toute déchéance, où il serait possible de reconstruire l’Homme et repartir de zéro, réparer les erreurs, bâtir un nouveau monde.

— Je lui parlerai de la vie, à ce gardien, et du bonheur des jours qui s’écoulent, de la lenteur épuisante de la rosée qui s’évapore, au petit matin, entre les herbes vertes des Alpilles. Je lui dirai que ce monde-là est beau et que la joie de vivre sous ces latitudes le touchera autant qu’elle m’a émue, s’il nous ouvre ses portes.

Mais Joge-O ne l’écoutait pas. Il regardait avec un sentiment étrange – une nostalgie ou une mélancolie qu’il éprouvait pour la première fois – la vague empoisonnée qui déferlait et heurtait le rebord de la cuve. Il aurait bien voulu leur tendre la main, aux morts sous les eaux, les cueillir, les attraper un par un, les sauver de ce bouillon salin, mais le Docteur le lui avait interdit, au tout début, lorsqu’il avait pris place dans le caisson déjà plein de corps : « ne touchez pas à ce qu’il y a au-dehors, vous devez rester purs. » Joge-O ne comprenait plus le sens de cette phrase.

— Tu sais qu’ils me ressemblent ?

— Qui donc ?

Joge-O s’attachait aux visages aplatis par la couverture de l’océan, dont les cheveux défrisaient lentement dans la poisse des chairs décomposées et dont le nez évasé avait été becté par un poisson de surface, les oreilles aussi. Les lèvres, elles, avaient fondu.

— Ils me ressemblent tous.

— Ça ne va pas mieux, hein.

Malgré sa ruine, le Docteur se souciait de son fils aîné, comme il aimait l’appeler, avant. Il avait toujours ce regard bienveillant par instant, qui s’effaçait parfois rattrapé par la réalité. Mais il l’aimait d’amour, sa progéniture, d’un amour vrai, paternel et condescendant. Il l’appelait son fils pour lui donner le caractère d’un individu, et il lui avait fait la promesse, lorsqu’ils arriveraient à Lanvil, de le libérer de tout fer, de tout lien. Il devait d’abord achever son éducation ; il aurait voulu le prendre dans ses bras, mais la situation lui échappait.

— Tu es unique, Joge-O.

— C’est un mensonge, rétorqua-t-il.

Joge-O le dévisagea de ses yeux noirs, d’un noir si puissant que le Docteur Ignace détourna son visage, gêné par la candeur artificielle qui se reflétait à leur surface. La voix du scientifique se teinta d’une peur inconfortable qu’il tenait cachée au fond de sa gorge sombre et fragile.

— Je veux dire : je t’ai créé unique. À Lanvil, ils seront des milliers à conter ton histoire, notre arrivée. On poussera des Yé krik ! On répondra Yé krak ! C’est comme ça que se transmettent les légendes, là-bas, de l’autre côté. La nuit, au pied de gigantesques feux, celui qui raconte réveille la cour d’un grand cri : Yé mistikrik ! Et si la cour ne dort pas, elle reprend : Yé mistikrak ! Tu verras. Je t’apprendrai, comme toujours. Je suis là pour ça.

— Tu ne m’as rien appris !

Joge-O se jeta sur lui. Il écartela de toutes ses forces les courroies qui ligotaient le scientifique. Elles cisaillaient son corps depuis plusieurs nuits. Sous la violence du geste, elles décharnèrent son torse et malmenèrent d’autant plus l’esquif.

Joge-O rattacha la voile. Il la coinça dans les câbles qui garrottaient le Docteur. Il serra sa poigne de rage, une rage meurtrière qui aurait tué le Docteur bien plus tôt qu’il n’aurait fallu. Plusieurs secondes, il haït son créateur, autoproclamé père et maître du bateau. Il le haït pour son savoir, parce qu’il tenait des rênes intangibles, parce qu’il les gardait acquises, comme un instrument de contrôle sur le corps de Joge-O. Le fils aurait voulu achever son marionnettiste, mais ce dernier était le seul à pouvoir le mener hors du dégout des flots, hors du cercueil qui leur servait de radeau. Sous la pression du vent d’Est contre la voile de fortune, la cuve fendit l’écume sirupeuse et retrouva son cap. Le Docteur Ignace suffoquait.

— Je t’ai donné toutes les clés…

— Pas toi. Ce sont mes frères qui m’ont appris à voir, à écouter, à ressentir…

— Et qui leur a enseigné tout ça ?

Joge-O considéra avec dégoût la jambe arrachée du Docteur Ignace, puis la lame dont il s’était servi pour la découper, et qu’il avait jetées à fond de cuve, le corps secoué par les premiers haut-le-cœur. Le moignon, comme le tranchant, suintait encore de nanobêtes sérosanguines qui s’écroulaient sur elles-mêmes au fur et à mesure qu’elles se reproduisaient et débordaient de leur propre organisme. Elles envahissaient la périphérie de leur espace vital et empoissaient d’une existence fausse chaque recoin inanimé de l’embarcation.

Les nanobêtes courraient le long de l’armature de verre, elles aussi avides d’endroits immaculés de leur souillure. Elles pullulaient de manière intelligente, construisant des ponts et des architectures éphémères. Elles s’assemblaient en un magma grouillant, et pourtant ordonné, jusqu’à ce que, d’une trop forte concentration, rayonne un éclat vif et irisé, lequel se répandait toujours plus, comme une huile connectée, emplie d’informations, de caractères et de valeurs.

La cuve se remplissait de ce sang aux couleurs insolites tandis que Joge-O compressait de son propre poids le corps du docteur. Il garda longtemps son œil vengeur et colérique fiché dans celui de son créateur qui, plein d’incompréhension, crucifié à la proue, sanglé par les câbles de nutrition du vieux caisson, souffrait de maintenir la voile plein Ouest, droit vers les connecteurs que ses puces géosensorielles traçaient comme un aimant, droit vers Lanvil et la délivrance.

Les yeux du Docteur Ignace se révulsèrent sous la douleur, mais il ne cria pas. Il gémit d’une plainte longue et sourde que reprirent en cœur les cadavres qui grognaient sous les vagues. Le vent s’intensifia, lui déroba son souffle, et Joge-O, qu’aucune émotion ne traversait plus, ne le réanima qu’après lui avoir détaché la main droite. Le Docteur pleurait.

— Tu parviendras à me manger tout entier…

— Je sais.

— Je t’ai tout donné, Joge-O, la vie, la conscience d’être-là, la vision de l’à-venir, la valeur de l’expérience. Chaque morceau qui te constitue a été modelé, compacté, connecté dans la matrice de ce caisson, grâce à moi, mes idées, mes recherches, mes projets. Et tu me manges ? Tu manges la main qui t’a nourri tant de jours ?

— Je ne voulais pas manger les autres.

Joge-O croqua dans la chair. Il arracha les ongles à coups de dents, décrocha les cartilages, répandant sous sa langue et derrière ses gencives, jusqu’au bord de sa glotte, la chaleur pervertie qui courrait dans le membre du docteur.

Il y avait là des souvenirs tactiles, des touchers particuliers, des gestes et des manières. Il y avait des directions, des tremblements, il y avait des odeurs et des formes, des souvenirs d’environnements, des objets en négatif. La main et ses connecteurs étaient teintés du passé du Docteur Ignace, toute l’histoire d’une vie active, et Joge-O s’en saturait autant qu’il s’en répugnait.

Il s’était dressé contre la main qui l’avait nourri, non pas pour la détruire, mais pour s’en nourrir d’autant plus, avaler son muscle, décrypter ses nerfs, assimiler leurs données. Il n’aimait pas ce goût. Il avait détesté celui de ses frères. Il n’aimait pas non plus se voir dans le regard cynique du docteur qui, stupéfait, oscillait entre incompréhension, rire moqueur et insultes.

Son fils était un sauvage, un cannibale, quand bien même il apprenait le monde. Quand bien même il apprenait vite, Joge-O. Quand bien même il lui permettrait d’entrer dans Lanvil, lui, le fils neuf, l’enfant créé de toutes pièces à l’image du nouveau monde. Son fils était un traitre, un Judas, un Brutus qui le dévorait sans honte, qui lui pompait son humanité pour s’en servir contre lui.

Joge-O recracha un métacarpe avec mépris. L’os tinta contre le verre de la cuve.

— Tu m’as forcé. Tu m’as forcé à manger Joge-I et Joge-β. Puis Joge-Δ, et Joge-θ.

— C’était pour que nous puissions passer les portes, tous les deux. Tu es un cadeau, Joge-O. Un cadeau que je fais au monde pour qu’il puisse enfin se réconcilier. Tu es l’unique sésame du futur d’une Humanité apaisée.

— Je ne suis pas unique. Regarde celui-là, qui flotte entre deux eaux, les dents rongées et le nez vide. Il a le même visage que moi. Tu sais que ce qu’il me dit ? Tu sais ce qu’ils hurlent, tous ?

De colère, Joge-O lui écharpa la joue. Il en arracha la chair et la becta avec, pour tout verdict, de lentes et insensibles déglutitions.

L’Océan se gonfla et s’ouvrit en deux, aussi large que la gueule d’un monstre marin aux couronnes de dents avariées. Les morts s’envolèrent, portés par la gronde des flots, et retombèrent aux alentours dans des gerbes de mousse. Des dizaines de mains émaciées agrippèrent la cuve de clonage. Plusieurs cadavres en gravirent les parois, s’affalèrent entre Joge-O et le docteur et les haranguèrent avec hargne, les langues pendantes à travers les joues creuses, les bras balancés à tout va dans un cahot de muscles rincés et blanchis.

Pourtant, ils ne parlaient qu’à Joge-O, qui se jeta à fond de cale. Ils ne hurlaient que pour lui, pendant que le docteur crevait, tétanisé de douleur dans les soubresauts du caisson, étranger à l’illusion qui berçait Joge-O. Ils étaient pourtant penchés sur lui, comme les mille visages de la mort, les doigts décharnés recourbés comme des faux, les mâchoires béantes et baveuses, les orbites vides et accusatrices. Le docteur ne les voyait pas, Joge-O perdait la tête.

Les cadavres mugissaient, invectivaient, gloussaient et se fendaient de questions. « Es-tu pur, Joge-O, es-tu humble ? Es-tu des nôtres, d’où viens-tu ? D’où viens-tu, comme ça, Joge-O ? Quelle famille, quel côté ? Quel sang inonde tes veines ? »

Ils croulèrent sur eux-mêmes, se brisèrent comme des vagues, rampèrent contre le corps de Joge-O qui fuyait comme une bête coincée dans sa tanière. « Ton nez n’est pas droit, ni plat. Ta peau n’est pas ferme, ni calleuse. Tes cheveux sont un chaos, un volcan. Il y a de la colère en toi, comprimée dans un trou béant d’ignorance. » Leurs voix redoublèrent d’animosité. Ils meuglèrent de jugement et d’âpreté, de mauvaise langue et de vomissures, rancuniers et défaits. Joge-O fondit en larmes illuminées de terreur.

L’un d’entre eux, plus froid que les autres, se colla dans son cou, embrassant son oreille, inondant ses maigres vêtements. C’était une femme, mais son visage était identique à celui de Joge-O. Cette vision le glaça. Un instant, dans leurs yeux vitrifiés par le soleil, entre leurs lèvres asséchées par le sel, entre leurs doigts étirés par l’émotion, dansèrent le même espoir, la même passion, la même envie : se reconnaître enfin et s’aimer encore, pour leurs traits, leurs couleurs et leurs gestes que l’océan dissimulait au reste du monde.

« Ton sang est humble, susurra-t-elle. Je vois sa nuance, celle que tu caches au fond de toi. Tout ce que tu émanes est bien plus douloureux que ce que nous transportons. Toi, le vivant, tu es sans terre, sans ancre, sans entraves. Tu es digne de toi-même, tu n’es pas comme nous. À l’arrivée, tu choisiras… »

Elle eut l’air triste – sans doute elle l’était vraiment – surtout au creux de ses joues, sous les paupières, derrière la mâchoire, là où la mélancolie affaisse les rides et les idéaux. Cela le glaça d’effroi. Joge-O la repoussa vivement. Elle retomba à l’eau comme une sirène de bois d’ébène ou de bois flotté, une oubliée des plages et des mangroves que Joge-O ne connaissait pas encore. Avec elle, glissa le reste des corps. Ils basculèrent en fleurs dans les remous, calmant les vagues et les passions, reprenant leur lente danse sous-marine.

Des heures durant, les morts chantèrent encore. Joge-O écouta leur litanie, ingéra leur fièvre, puis les ignora. Il retourna au Docteur Ignace. Il s’acharna à coups de dents sur son corps, à grands coups de lame entre ses membres, à contrecoups de salves d’informations, de tutoriels arythmiques, de percées névralgiques qui le pétrifiaient chaque fois que ses synapses arrivaient à saturation.

Il persistait pourtant et se remémorait la morte qui avait manqué de l’emporter par-dessus bord. Il se souvenait de l’angoisse qui s’était emparée de lui lorsqu’il avait plongé les yeux dans son regard vide de larmes, l’angoisse d’être rejeté à tout jamais. Il ne voulait pas de ça.

Il lui fallait remplir ses neurones vierges d’émotions, connecter ses axones aveugles de sensations, ravaler le monde ancien, tuer le père et se forger lui-même. Il lui fallait, à Joge-O, toute la ténacité de son esprit, l’endurance et l’obstination, pour croquer dans les interdits de son créateur, les ôter un à un et les reconstruire, alors que le docteur n’en finissait pas de mourir. Il lui fallut vaincre, et dépasser les sécurités de sa propre constitution pour voir, au final, sur le visage du Docteur Ignace, l’once d’une reconnaissance qu’il n’estimait plus. Joge-O se pencha sur lui. Le soleil était bas. Le ciel rougissait d’apaisement.

— Je sais les couleurs nauséeuses des nuages de poussière que tu draines derrière toi. Il n’y a rien dans ton cœur. Il n’y a rien d’autre qu’une peine immense, celle de ne pas te suffire, et l’immonde ignorance de la valeur de l’autre. Je ne suis pas là pour toi. Je ne suis pas ton sésame. J’existe pour moi-même, j’existe seulement pour moi.

La lèvre du docteur tremblait, blanche d’épuisement. Il luttait pour vivre encore, une journée de plus. Il crut voir un oiseau voler loin au-dessus des eaux, mais l’image se déroba dans le coin de sa vision.

— Est-ce lui ? demanda-t-il. Est-ce le gardien ?

Le clone ne répondit pas. Il lava son visage dans le sang qui roulait en vaguelettes au fond de la cuve. Il regarda les nuages qui approchaient dans le lointain et pensa à ses frères. Le regret de s’en être nourri s’était estompé. Le Docteur Ignace le trouva soudainement beau, droit et fier – entier. Il sourit.

— Tu existes, Joge-O…

— Je veux être plus que ça. Quand je te regarde, je m’aperçois que nous ne pouvons nous compléter l’un l’autre. Je veux rêver mes propres idéaux et bâtir ma réalité. J’ai déjà vu mille étoiles, depuis mon premier jour. Et je verrai sûrement mille autres merveilles. Mais tu ne m’apprendras rien de plus, car je vivrai à ta place.

Yé krik. Le Docteur Ignace mourut dans les vagues froides de l’océan, sans voir Lanvil ni son gardien, vidé de son cyborganisme, répudié par la vie.

Yé krak !

On dit que les portes de Lanvil sont des crocs dressés contre le reste du monde, quatre tours recrachées des fonds marins. On dit qu’elles sont frappées par le soleil levant, creusées par les assauts de l’écume acide, émaillées par la brume du désert que l’on sait au-delà des flots. On dit que tous les éléments pourraient se briser contre elles dans l’espoir de les réduire en poussière, ils n’y parviendraient pas. Est-ce que la cour dort ?

Non, la cour ne dort pas !

On dit qu’au-delà des portes de Lanvil s’étend le pays de nos désirs, aux couleurs de ce que l’on tient secret, au fond de nous. On dit que celui qui passe les portes atteint la félicité, la liberté, le bonheur éternel. Ce qu’on ne dit jamais, et Joge-O le sut dès lors qu’il les vît, les portes, c’est que leur territoire n’a pas de gardien, car nous sommes nos propres gardiens. Les morts le lui avaient dit. On dit que Joge-O arriva par une nuit comme celle-ci, dans une coquille de verre portée par quatre trépassés, quatre frères, qui flottaient sur les lames de l’Atlantique. On dit qu’il entra dans Lanvil. Yé mistikrik !

Yé mistikrak !

Michael Roch is a science fiction writer and scriptwriter born in 1987 in France. He is also the creator and director of the literature channel, La Brigade du Livre, on Youtube. He is part of the video creation label Pandora. Since 2015, he has conducted several creative writing workshops on the theme of Afrofuturism – a literary movement developing afrocentred counter-dystopias – in prison and university environment. His latest novel, The Yellow Book, at the crossroads of Lovecraftian influences and the Astroblackness movement, is published by MU Editions (2019). He now lives in Martinique (East Caribbean).

NOIRE MATIÈRE -Rachid Ouadah


Le professeur Nairb Neerg prit une grande expiration puis contempla le parterre d’invités devant lui. Iels étaient venus de toute la galaxie. Certains avaient déplié l’espace, d’autres, notamment ceux qui ne pouvaient supporter les conditions atmosphériques d’Erret, étaient représentés par de simples hologrammes. Il pouvait percevoir les oscillations de tous. Il se surprit à penser qu’il aurait voulu être vieux à nouveau. Car les grandes découvertes se faisaient à un âge précoce. Alors que la jeunesse, après une cohorte de souffrances débilitantes, conduisait inévitablement à la mort. Combien de temps lui restait-il à vivre ? Encore un peu, peut-être pas assez pour résoudre l’énigme, mais juste ce qu’il fallait pour poser un jalon. Qu’importe son égo puisqu’il n’était lui-même qu’un maillon dans une chaîne qu’il espérait infinie. Il avait construit sur le travail de ses prédécesseurs. Et les suivants iront plus loin encore dans la quête de la vérité scientifique, se disait-il.

Il recracha son surplus de liquide cérébrospinal dans un verre qu’il déposa au plafond. Son amertume lui fit le plus grand bien.

« Et maintenant, je vais répondre à vos questions » lança-t-il à l’assemblée.

Nombreux furent les appendices — de toutes formes — à se lever. Cela lui sembla merveilleux.

Il désigna du doigt un Tacloc, la progéniture au stade larvaire encore collée à son cou translucide.

« Merci pour cette conférence professeur, c’était vraiment très intéressant. Cette “noire matière” comme vous l’appelez, se trouve-t-elle dans un endroit précis de l’univers ou bien est-elle répartie aléatoirement ? »

« Elle est partout dans l’univers observable. Sa répartition répond à une logique que nous ne comprenons pas encore. Pendant que nous parlons, il y a des particules de cette matière qui nous traversent. Ou bien c’est nous qui la traversons, c’est une question de point de vue. Et on ne peut pas interagir avec elles. Heureusement d’ailleurs, sinon elles ne feraient qu’un sarlach de votre busik. »

Des rires tous plus différents les uns des autres composèrent une joyeuse cacophonie. Il aimait injecter de l’humour dans ces rencontres parfois trop sérieuses. Cela facilitait la transmission des connaissances, que l’auditoire fût amateur comme aujourd’hui, ou chevronné.

Une autre créature signala sa volonté de prendre la parole en émettant une lumière bleutée.

« Professeur Neerg, puisqu’on ne peut pas interagir avec cette matière, comment savez-vous qu’elle existe ? »

« Par les effets qu’elle produit. Avec mes collègues de la communauté scientifique, nous avons découvert que cinq pour cent de l’univers observable est fait de cette matière inconnue. Comment ? Très simplement, si j’ose dire. Par le calcul. Les galaxies devraient s’éloigner plus vite les unes des autres, et pourtant il y a quelque chose qui lutte en sens inverse, qui les retient. Cette force qui nous était inconnue, nous lui avons donné un nom : gravité. Et elle est produite par la noire matière. »

            Cette rumeur qui parcourut la salle, c’était la soif d’apprendre. Comme lui, ils voulaient savoir. Il désigna un autre invité.

« Si on ne connaît pas la composition de cette matière, et si elle n’interagit pas avec nous, comment pouvez-vous dire qu’elle est noire ? »

« C’est une très bonne question. Nous aurions pu l’appeler Anael ou Aihpos, n’importe quel nom ferait l’affaire puisque nous ne savons encore rien de sa nature. Par consensus, nous avons choisi “noire”. Mais dans le réel, elle n’émet pas de rayonnement visible. Ni nos yeux, ni nos instruments ne peuvent la voir. Dans plusieurs cultures de la galaxie, le noir symbolise l’espoir. Et de l’espoir, on en a toujours besoin. »

            « Comment être sûr que vos “recherches” ne dérangent pas le Seigneur des Mondes en sa demeure ? »

            Beaucoup furent stupéfaits d’entendre cette combinaison de mots dans une même phrase, aujourd’hui, et en ce lieu. Nairb Neerg sentit des hésitations dans les cliquetis du questionnant, un jeune Ténébrion qui, de par le rythme de la phrase et sa mélopée, indiquait qu’il était originaire de l’hémisphère sud de sa planète. Soit l’un des derniers endroits de la galaxie où l’on entretenait encore la croyance en une entité créatrice. L’ouverture de Tenebrae au reste de la galaxie n’avait pas éteint ces superstitions, elle les avait même renforcées. Comme si les ténébrions avaient peur de la cognition, et de tout ce qui se trouvait au-delà de leur dogme. L’immensité du plein intersidéral devait les terrifier. Le professeur prit tout cela en compte avant de formuler une réponse.

            « J’aimerais croire en cette idée, le Seigneur des Mondes, je vous l’assure. Mais je suis un scientifique. Je nourris ma réflexion avec des faits observables et mesurables, avec des expériences reproductibles. Si le Seigneur des Mondes existait, je serais le premier à aller vers lui. Apportez-moi une preuve concrète et je vous suivrai dans votre raisonnement. Je veux croire qu’il y a quelque chose après la mort, et peut-être même quelque chose avant la vie. Mais regardez la réalité. Malgré notre science qui s’est enrichie comme jamais depuis l’ère galactique, il subsiste des maladies que nous ne savons pas guérir, des catastrophes que nous n’avons pas su éviter, comme la destruction de Relpek et ses trois milliards d’habitants, il y a mille cycles de cela. Si le Seigneur des Mondes existait, il serait tout-puissant et bon. Mais alors pourquoi n’intervient-il pas ? Pourquoi est-ce qu’il ne descend pas nous sauver ? Est-ce que cela veut dire qu’il n’est pas tout puissant ? Ou qu’il n’est pas bon ? »

L’assistance se mit à applaudir et à s’agiter. D’un geste il demanda le calme. Il n’aimait pas être applaudi, par pudeur. Et surtout, cela pouvait offenser le Ténébrion.

« Nous approchons de la fin de notre entrevue. Aussi frustrant que cela puisse paraître, je vais prendre les trois dernières questions. A vous… »

« Professeur Neerg » demanda un Grouli, « est-ce que ces cinq pour cent ne seraient pas la matière d’un monde-miroir, un anti-monde si vous préférez. Par exemple, vous avez parlé de cette force que vous appelez “gravité”. Ça veut dire que les objets s’attirent mutuellement, n’est-ce pas, au lieu de se repousser comme dans notre univers. Peut-être que le temps aussi s’y écoule à l’envers. Ce serait un monde où les lois de la physique seraient différentes, non ? »

« L’hypothèse est séduisante mais à l’heure actuelle, nous n’avons aucune donnée qui va dans ce sens. De plus, si la noire matière était un “monde-miroir” ou un univers-miroir comme vous dites, elle existerait en quantité au moins équivalente au reste de la matière normale. Et ce n’est pas le cas. Je tiens à le préciser : la noire matière n’est pas un autre univers, elle fait partie de l’univers. De plus, la force de gravité qui attire les particules de noire matière les unes vers les autres ne peut mener que vers un effondrement. Donc elles ne peuvent pas former des structures stables pouvant abriter la vie telle que nous la connaissons. Mais si l’on compare la somme d’informations accumulées, nous ne savons rien de… »

« Alors vous voulez remplacer le Seigneur des Mondes par votre ignorance ?! »

accusa le Ténébrion. 

Art by Sunny Efemena

Aussi brusquement qu’il avait pris la parole, il s’éleva au-dessus de l’assemblée en désignant Nairb Neerg de sa troisième mandibule, et il hurla : « Blasphémateur ! ».

            Comme s’il était préparé à ce qui allait se passer, l’esprit du professeur produisit une analyse froide de la situation à la vitesse la plus rapide que lui permettait sa biologie. Il perçut toute une gamme d’émotions dans les paroles du Ténébrion. De la colère, de la frustration, de la peur, et de la haine, beaucoup de haine.

Mais il ne savait pas qu’il allait mourir. 

            Le projectile, une corne de kératine pure expulsée de l’exosquelette du Ténébrion, le frappa en plein cœur, à gauche. Le choc le projeta en avant. Sous le coup de la panique, le public devint foule, et la foule devint désordre. Ceux qui pouvaient courir s’enfuirent vers l’unique sortie, ceux qui pouvaient voler se dispersèrent dans les airs. Il ne restait plus que les hologrammes comme témoins, trop fascinés pour disparaître comme les autres. Car personne n’avait assisté à un acte d’une telle violence depuis des cycles et des cycles.

Et par conséquent, personne ne savait comment réagir.

Enfin, l’assistant du professeur accourut. Mais il était trop tard. Le corps de Nairb Neerg commençait à flotter, et du liquide vital pénétrait dans sa blessure. La douleur était atroce. Une peur existentielle s’empara de lui, la peur de la mort. Et puis soudain, il n’eut plus mal. Le regret de ne pas avoir pu percer le secret de la noire matière de son vivant se fit moindre, puis disparut à son tour. Il ne restait plus qu’un sentiment étrange de plénitude. Le temps semblait s’être dilaté, comme s’il approchait de la vitesse des ténèbres. Il vit le monde autour de lui trembler, devenir flou et enfin disparaître vers une couleur qui n’avait rien à voir avec l’espoir. Il s’entendit formuler une dernière pensée :

« Ce n’est donc que cela… ».


* *

« C’est ça madame Feynman, vous êtes très courageuse. Poussez encore, respirez,

poussez, respirez… »

La Docteure Al Kubaysi avait elle aussi besoin de respirer dans cette chaleur étouffante. Elle n’était pas vraiment à sa place. La sage-femme dont elle avait pris la relève était retenue à un poste-frontière. En plus, la maternité fonctionnait en sous-effectif. « Ils préfèrent mettre de l’argent dans la guerre » se dit-elle. Ce matin, elle était à la fois gynécologue, obstétricienne, et pédiatre pour l’occasion.

Un bout de son hidjab commençait à tomber et n’allait pas tarder à gêner ses mouvements. Elle fit un signe de la tête à son assistante : « Mademoiselle Rubin, s’il vous plaît… ». La jeune interne essuya la sueur du front de la docteure et lui remit son voile en place.

L’enfant montrait enfin sa tête, et ça n’avait pris que trois heures de travail. Au même moment, une explosion retentit. Une roquette venait de tomber à proximité. Presque immédiatement après, le vrombissement d’un missile se fit entendre. Peut-être que la roquette avait tué des innocents. Peut-être que le missile allait frapper une école. Mais la docteure ne voulait pas penser à la mort pendant qu’elle aidait à donner la vie. La future mère s’était montrée d’un calme peu commun. Alors que le futur père s’était liquéfié à l’idée d’assister à la naissance de son premier enfant. Elle ne criait pas, elle respirait et poussait au rythme que lui dictaient la docteure et la nature.

C’est alors que le reste du corps du bébé glissa hors d’elle presque sans effort. Elle prononça une prière en hébreu. La docteure put se saisir du petit humain gluant de vernix. La mère avait spécifié ne pas vouloir connaître le sexe de l’enfant avant la naissance, il était temps de le lui dévoiler.

« Félicitations madame, c’est un beau garçon ! » fit la Docteure Al Kubaysi. Elle coupa le cordon ombilical et posa le clamp. Et avant que son cri primal ne fasse trembler les instruments et les murs de la salle imperceptiblement, avant de s’annoncer à ce monde, le nouveau-né prit une grande inspiration.


Rachid Ouadah:
Né en 1974 à Alger, j’ai vécu les premières années de ma vie en Algérie. Ni francophone ni arabophone, je suis venu en France à l’âge de 6 ans. J’ai dû m’adapter rapidement pour m’insérer dans le système éducatif français. Les lectures de l’imaginaire ont été une bouée de sauvetage, notamment La Grande Anthologie de La Science Fiction de Jacques Goimard et Demètre Ioakimidis. Le cinéma de genre a achevé ensuite de faire de moi un inconditionnel de la science-fiction et du fantastique. Aujourd’hui je travaille comme journaliste indépendant. J’anime notamment le site motionXmedia.

Issue 19 editorial

Mazi Nwonwu
Mazi Nwonwu is the pen name of Chiagozie Fred Nwonwu, a Lagos-based journalist and writer. While journalism and its demands take up much of his time, when he can, Mazi Nwonwu writes speculative fiction, which he believes is a vehicle through which he can transport Africa’s diverse culture to the future. He is the co-founder of Omenana, an African-centrist speculative fiction magazine is a Senior Broadcast Journalist with BBC Igbo service. His work has appeared in Lagos 2060 (Nigeria’s first science fiction anthology), AfroSF (first PAN-African Science Fiction Anthology), Sentinel Nigeria, Saraba Magazine, ‘It Wasn’t Exactly Love’, an anthology on sex and sexuality publish by Farafina in 2015.

Omenana speculative fiction magazine issue 19 is live!

The words above may seem common enough for anyone who has not followed Omenana magazine’s journey since we launched in 2014.

It was a dream that became a reality and we are very happy to still be able to announce another edition of what has become a staple in Africa’s speculative fiction landscape.

We are also happy because publishing our third edition for 2021 in October means we can still publish a fourth for the year. Doing so allows us to reach an all-time high of four editions a year.

We are indeed clapping for ourselves and taking bows in recognition of this self-praise.

Don’t blame us, we are only reacting like the lizard in Igbo mythology that affirms the wondrous achievement of landing on all fours after jumping down from a great height.

Believe us, we have a lot to be proud about, chief of which is the fact that we are still here, offering opportunities to African writers of the speculative to showcase their work to a hopefully eager world.

This edition, like all the others before it, features great writing from writers from across the African continent and beyond. We have a handful of established names and several new names that we want you to pay close attention to because, like many of the new voices Omenana has introduced in the past, you will be seeing more of them.

We had planned for the 18th edition of Omenana magazine to be the last that will be offered free, but after much consideration, we have decided that reaching the African lover of speculative without any restriction is more important than monetary considerations. As such, this edition remains free to access, enjoy and share.

However, since we dearly want to continue renumerating our incredibly committed team and return to paying writers, you can support us via our Patreon page and allow us to do bigger things in 2021.

Also, this is the second edition in which we are offering French-language stories as part of our partnership with Omenana author Mame Diene. We had published French-language stories in the past, but this partnership has Mame sourcing for and editing these stories so that French-speaking speculative fiction writers can become a part of the Omenana conversation. We are hoping that this grows into a separate French-language magazine in the near future.

The stories in this edition are diverse, as is to be expected from a continent as diverse as Africa, and we do hope you enjoy them as much as we did selecting and editing them.

See you in December.

Mazi Nwonwu

Mazi Nwonwu
Mazi Nwonwu is the pen name of Chiagozie Fred Nwonwu, a Lagos-based journalist and writer. While journalism and its demands take up much of his time, when he can, Mazi Nwonwu writes speculative fiction, which he believes is a vehicle through which he can transport Africa’s diverse culture to the future. He is the co-founder of Omenana, an African-centrist speculative fiction magazine is a Senior Broadcast Journalist with BBC Igbo service. His work has appeared in Lagos 2060 (Nigeria’s first science fiction anthology), AfroSF (first PAN-African Science Fiction Anthology), Sentinel Nigeria, Saraba Magazine, ‘It Wasn’t Exactly Love’, an anthology on sex and sexuality publish by Farafina in 2015.