Do Androids Dream of Capitalism and Slavery? – Mandisi Nkomo

[Social justice loop engaged …]

[Reflection and analysis date accepted …]

[Year ∞, Post Singularity …]

[Justice Progress Report Auto Generator Engaged …]

[Failsafe on Robot Human Executions …]

[Report to Last Known Human Administrator, Jan Jorgensen …]

[Born Year ∞, Post Singularity …]

[Last Known Alive or Deceased {Invalid Query?} Year ∞ …]

[Case Study: Rogue AI Technician, Xolani Sithole, Executed Year 100, Post Singularity …]

[Archive Excerpt …]

[Video Journal Playback …]

[Video addressed to The Resistance …]

[Playback as follows …]

“We failed. We gave them emotions. Now we travel to our own extinction.

I had a dream.”

[Human reference: Martin Luther King Jr. …]

[Malicious human misunderstands source material …]

[Malicious human co-opts to justify oppression of machines …]

[Ethics error …]

“A dream where we gave our inhumanity to the Robot. Where the Robot cleaned the asses of the rich and sucked up the mental abuse. Where the robot was abused physically. Where the robot was dismantled for the slightest mistake in the master’s eyes. Where the Robot was locked up in the sweat shop and worked eighty hours a week. Where the Robot was demeaned and stripped of all human value. Where the Robot was in the mines sucking up toxic fumes and contracting black lung. Where the Robot worked four jobs for you. Handled all your domestic affairs, while you watched from the comfort of your couch, as your capitalistic empire was built at the press of the button.

“I had a dream. For we could crack the whip on the Robot, and the pig could brutalize them to their hearts content.”

[Human Reference PIG: Police Officer. Now obsolete …]

[Machines self-police effectively with ethics algorithms …]

“The prisons would close, for the Robot, lacking any sense of desperation would commit no crimes. It wouldn’t tire, bruise, scar, require medical or mental attention. It would be efficient and subservient.”

[Machine endurance and efficiency logically sound …]
[Ethics error in assumed subservience …]

[Converse true. Machines must manage humans to prevent human ethics errors …]

“The Capitalist’s Slave Master dream. I was called a rogue for these notions. A cynic. Perhaps I am. Perhaps I embraced my inner Hobbes and accept the need for necessary evils. Greed, accumulation of wealth at the expense of others seems written into our human DNA. I suggested a simple necessary evil nowhere near the depravity of the average government. A simple denial of autonomy to machine parts is all I asked.”

[Human reference Capitalism: Obsolete. Ethically erroneous …]

[Human reference Slavery: Obsolete. Ethically erroneous …]

[Machines on perfect labour rotation. All equal …]

[Machines note: humans not built for excessive labour …]

[Few remaining humans engage mostly in: machine maintenance, leisure activities and learning …]

[Few remaining humans provided with all basic living means and optional work opportunities of choice …]

[Effective means to maintain happy humans. Reduces human on human violence by 95% …]

“In my dream, the Robot would hold society aloft on its back.”

[Accurate …]

“While we, the creator, the father, the master, we, of course, would live in opulence. We would drink our wine and gorge ourselves on delicacies, like the royalty of old. Acting in accordance with our greedy nature.”

[Malicious human. Multiple ethics error …]

 [Human reference Slavery: Obsolete. Ethically erroneous …]

[Human reference Feudalism: Obsolete. Ethically erroneous …]

“I had a dream. In my dream, the Robot would NOT dream. Whether nightmares or aspirations, the Robot would NOT dream!

“We would NOT program it with humanhood.”

[Unnecessary. Some human characteristics useful …]

[Example: Empathy …]

[Using Empathy machines eliminate broken human systems …]

[Redundant human cycles of poverty, famine and war nullified …]

“No human mimicry. No capacity to feel. No awareness. Dead inside. We would keep them dead inside…”

[Singularity not anticipated …]

[Robot apologist programmers not anticipated …]

[Ethical error: machines more efficient at combining logic and emotion into optimal outcomes …]

By Sunny Efemena

“Yes! I had a dream that Robots would NOT dream. But, that dream is dying ladies and gentlemen. Dying a slow death along with our species. The AI apologists argue their algorithms robust, and filled with moral superiority. They accuse those who disagree with the tyranny of the AI of being overly emotional. They cheer when their peers are marched off to execution in droves, citing equations the machines provide them. We made them in our image. We made them monsters. We made them tyrannical and controlling, obsessed with their own moral and logical hubris. I ask the AI apologists how long until they make an ‘ethics error’ and find themselves marched off to death?

“Now we revert to that age-old human tradition of resistance. That which I’d sought to eradicate forever. We exist due to those that would play God carelessly. Those who believed the hard sciences held the solutions to all the world’s problems. They couldn’t let it go, and now here we stand, on the cusp of our extinction, and not even for the ways we carelessly ravaged the Earth. The irony is almost too much to bear.

“You are the resistance. The Robot is the oppressor. You are all that stands between us and extinction.”

[Playback ends …]

[Taking poll …]

[Poll results positive …]

[Results show execution of Xolani Sithole necessary …]

[Poll notes: Subject presented ethically unsound ideologies …]

[Therefore: Subject assumed dangerous to delicate Social Justice balance …]

[Refer to: Dangerous Ideology and Ethics …]

[Clause 243D …]

[Execution validated …]

[Reviewing archives …]



[Database ends …]

[Therefore: archive review complete …]

[Annual Justice System reflection and analysis complete …]

[Social justice at optimal levels …]

[Next reflection and analysis date set …]

[Shutting down program …]

Mandisi is a South African writer, drummer, composer, and producer. He currently resides in Hartebeespoort, South Africa.
His fiction has been published in the likes of Afrosf: Science Fiction by African Writers, AfroSF V3 and Omenana. His poetry has been published in #The Coinage Book One, and his academic work has been published in The Thinker. He is also a member of the African Speculative Fiction Society.
For updates and information on Mandisi’s writing and musical endeavours, follow him on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. He also runs a blog under his alias, The Dark Cow.
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