Editorial, Omenana 16 – The Things We Do for Love

Have I been itching to write this Omenana editorial? Yes.

Do I know what to say? Not really.

If you know me you can probably hear my gurgle of a laugh burst out at this point. It has been great fun editing the last three issues of Omenana – getting sucked into the fantastic and sometimes mind-bending world of our unique stories, and having the singular honour of picking the minds of our stellar writers as, together, we knead their individual stories into the delightsome pieces you enjoy.

In this issue we bring you stories with a slice of the future, some sorcery and the metaphysical, some urban legend which science tries to explain away, an interesting showcase of gods at play where human destinies are the pawns on the chessboard of life, and the things we do for love.

Dig in and enjoy this interplay of people, desires and supernatural forces all tottering on the brink. Also discover how love can be the one thing that opens the door into another time, or shuts the door to keep out crowding demons and phantoms.

If you survived 2020 underneath the fog of Covid-19 – as I am sure you all have, unless of course you happen to be reading Omenana from the afterlife – then you very well understand what it means to be on the brink, and you deserve a medal of survival. We are glad to still be here, glad to still have you reading us, and we look forward to more exciting years and issues ahead!

Welcome to Omenana 16!

Iquo DianaAbasi

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